
Discord ID: 657992349430972477

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2020-03-10 02:08:58 UTC [The Right Cafe #serious]  

Looking to learn asmap about the right wing ideology and catholicism aswell as finance serious

2020-04-10 19:07:23 UTC [The Neinchan Hangout #vetting]  

>1 The Partnership channel in The Right Cafe.
>2 No.
>3 White
>4 Roman Catholic
>5 Somewhere on the Right spectrum for sure, just trying to learn
>6 Pro-Gun, Pro-free speech. If a dog bites my kid I should be allowed to put him down plain and simple
>7 It happened over 50 years ago move the fuck on you kikes
>8 Accelerationism from what the google definition says sounds pre fuckin sweet man. Go capitalism and free market.
>9 Its demonic and is something that can be changed and no your not born with that shit.
>10 Nah bro
>11 Yes Sir Staff SGT.

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