Message from @Senny
Discord ID: 477699417546424320
It's that cartoon about a shapeshifting purple alien. Everyone knows that.
I see. So you are a man of culture as well.
That show was technically before my time
It started a few months before I was born
Would've made more sense if the character said
"Gumby. You've heard of it, right?"
But that's making sense.
Gumby I've heard of, but Gumby has been around since 1956
And not necessarily a bizarre adventure.
and was started in the U.S.
For this dog, anime became real.
I think Elon Musk is drunk.. he's going on about short shorts and thigh-highs
Who wears short shorts...?
all the good girls
Fuck you, thigh highs are the best.
It's an older song than I am.
I know of it.
Country fails to matter, when you learned of it as quickly as this moment just now.
That's the sort of way I learned of it.
You have no excuse, you uncultured **swine**
Next you're gonna tell me you never heard of Surfin Bird
I think I should call it a night
going on a group hike tomorrow morning
You know of Surfin Bird, surely?
Confirm before departure.
I know of them, but I'm unfamiliar with most of their works
It's a single song! >:U
_was trolling_
Well good job
Or you're lying.
To be honest, I'm tired. When I first typed it, I wasn't thinking straight