Message from @Scribblehatch
Discord ID: 477743639963893771
from the Zucc himself
But you act like only stupid companies can make stupid hiring decisions.
with the first version of FB where he gobbled up people's information
The phrase "You can never be too careful" is a poisonous idea.
Yet it sounds sensible to a lot of people.
Time to read a fun article
"You can never be too careful" means it's better to snoop on their facebook before hiring them.
And it's less careful if they have none at all!
ZUCK: yea so if you ever need info about anyone at harvard
ZUCK: just ask
ZUCK: i have over 4000 emails, pictures, addresses, sns
FRIEND: what!? how'd you manage that one?
ZUCK: people just submitted it
ZUCK: i don't know why
ZUCK: they "trust me"
ZUCK: dumb fucks
sent by Zuckerberg during Facebook's early days, reported by Business Insider (May 13, 2010)
I don't have a facebook profile, never had one, and never will
You can never be too careful is an extermist idea
ironiclly, all extermist ideas are cancerous
I haven’t had one for 3 years. Don’t miss it one bit though it is limiting not having access to the marketplace specifically for some stuff.
What really grinds my gears is their collection of non-user data
You shouldn't have to have a browser extension just to get rid of facebook even if you don't have an account <- wisecrack video
i wonder if there is an ulterior motive
Zuckerberg qualifies as evil in my opinion
He’s a reptilian
with his blatant waving of people's rights
and dubious behavior
i think he got swept away by all the money
and possible overworked to the point where he can't care anymore
Nah, he's just a bad person who got worse
I think Jesse Eisenberg portrayed him perfectly.
Because I sorta.. hated Eisenberg.
Or maybe I didn't. I haven't really seen him in anything else.
what did Eisenberg act before that?
right the whiney kid in Zombieland
however most websites these days are bloat JS programs with third-site bloat
I wish websites were more simple
someone linked me a website once that talked about a *movement* towards simpler websites
brutalism? or something