Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 482324076740739072

2018-08-23 22:50:19 UTC  

Like working

2018-08-23 22:50:49 UTC  

Good men sacrifice their lives to create good times,
Good times create weak people who enjoy life and don't pay enough attention to corruption/badness/influence and thus create instability
The weak people then cause bad times to happen due to their neglect
Bad times forces people to reluctantly stand up for what they believe, and inspire a new generation
To rebuild the good times

2018-08-23 22:51:13 UTC  

everyone works, not just common people

2018-08-23 22:51:45 UTC  

Huh. Do you think Gen Zed will rise, wol?

2018-08-23 22:52:01 UTC  

dafuq is gen zed?

2018-08-23 22:52:26 UTC  

The generation after millennials

2018-08-23 22:53:07 UTC  

i guess the point is that its not even bad times yet

2018-08-23 22:53:09 UTC  

I think they'll be last ones to suffer through the current shitty period,
Their children will be the ones rising up

2018-08-23 22:53:48 UTC  

the ones being born in the last 5 years til now basically

2018-08-23 22:54:03 UTC  

until like 2025

2018-08-23 22:56:50 UTC  


2018-08-23 22:59:33 UTC  

i gotta go to bed but i'm curious about this long comment thats gonna come 😛

2018-08-23 23:00:02 UTC  

We're in bad times. Our freedoms are getting squashed under righteousness. Our economy is based on debt and paper. Elites in Europe currently control virtually every facet of life. In Britain, YOU HAVE TO HAVE A LOISENCE TO JERK IT. Islam is controlled by autocrats and islamofascists in the middle-east. Christianity is broken into three sects, where one doesn't even have base belief system, one is a bureaucratic hierarchy of pedophiles, and the other is in the iceland of russia and also no one truly knows what they believe. Africans in Africa can't even get a grip on basics of making a working society without the help of the west. And the West is eating itself and much fucking more.

Guess who you could blame this on? Intellectuals, Elite, and other groups with different selfish wants

2018-08-23 23:01:32 UTC  

Elite, the media, the people not paying enough attention, the people rejecting reality

lots of people to blame really

2018-08-23 23:01:36 UTC  

The answer is largely not subtractive, except maybe in terms of legislation

2018-08-23 23:02:16 UTC  

it's causing most people to yell for daddy government to help them, and a smaller group of people to build more practical solutions

2018-08-23 23:02:17 UTC  

Shit, I've drank to much schnopps

2018-08-23 23:02:46 UTC  

but the shift is happening,

these bad times have been going on for more than a decade,

And more and more people are resisting it, more counter-culture people rising up

2018-08-23 23:03:06 UTC  

its just gotta get worse before it gets better 😛

2018-08-23 23:03:12 UTC  

Coke and Peppermint schopps is the fucking best

2018-08-23 23:03:41 UTC  

Vodka 40%

2018-08-23 23:03:43 UTC  

in a clean glass

2018-08-23 23:04:18 UTC  

20% coke, 30% ice, and the rest is peppermint goodness

2018-08-23 23:04:45 UTC  

I can appreciate that too

2018-08-23 23:04:51 UTC  

but i just prefer to drink pure 😛

2018-08-23 23:05:45 UTC  

Whatever, I'm gonna go play HOI4 and pass out

2018-08-23 23:06:15 UTC  


2018-08-23 23:06:17 UTC  

enjoy 😄

2018-08-23 23:06:25 UTC  

I'd rather not feel like I'm sterilizing my mouth

2018-08-23 23:06:34 UTC  

you don't drink alcohol for the taste

2018-08-23 23:06:44 UTC  

you drink cuz it makes your moves better on the dance floor 😉

2018-08-23 23:06:49 UTC  

i love sterilizing my mouth

2018-08-23 23:06:55 UTC  

I don't really drink much period tbh

2018-08-23 23:07:03 UTC  

thats the main reason i even use mouth wash

2018-08-23 23:07:17 UTC  

No, I drink stuff that tastes good and makes me feel calm.

2018-08-23 23:07:22 UTC  

Man these still make me so happy.

2018-08-23 23:07:24 UTC  

me neither, but when i do,

Lets just say i can disinfect through breath alone 😉

2018-08-23 23:08:54 UTC  

This sucks, I recently stopped smoking weed. I love having some thc in me while I kill my liver

2018-08-23 23:09:19 UTC  

i think his disruptionism is very valuable even if i think he's a socialist flip flopper