
Discord ID: 133598136169005056

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I am new here

Good evening for me

I know is old news but just found out the red pill was banned from reddit wtf

Well according to mods

It wont be back


Is not working on the reddit app

But works on the web


Thank you @Revel


Dont worry they can help themselves

They are even worse here in Japan



about ten years now

Work related

Japanese women are thick as f

90 % of the chicks here come with some form of cluster b mental disease


Yes huge stigma

3/4 chicks i dated here were on meds

Of course i did not know


They keep saying we have the lowest divorce rates in the worl

What they dont tell you is how every married woman is cheating on her husband

Itโ€™s all transactional

Beta bucks

I used to be perplexed when i first came here

Why the J dudes dont go after the poon

Now i know why

Coz they went MGTOw

@conker no they are not

@YuriBezmenov very true. Exactly that

Itโ€™s a good place to live mate

I did not come here by choice

But now i like it

@YuriBezmenov I am seriously considering going fully off women finally

There is no one to unite them yet

They have 2-chan

But no one is vocal about it or cares to share the views of MGTOw


A few years back

Someone got legally married with a waifu pillow

So you can tell when Japan is heading

Haha @Jack Mehoff 4real?


Jesus lord

Have not see this before



I almost got married

I cancelled 2 days before the wedding

F that

Had enough

Dodged a massive bullet

F the deposit


not at all

Just typical woman who wanna turn Alfa to beta

Oh it was more brutal

By sms

It went like this

Hi ...... bye

Loads of shit happened of course

Dude as real as it gets

She told me she had BPD

1 week before the wedding

I did not even fking know what that shit is

I was like BP what

I am surprised everyone knows what it is

I had no idea at the time

5 years

Yes totally

I did

But nothing major

Bitches being bitches you know

Pretty much. What @Deleted User is saying]

I had no idea

Then read about it and it was like reading a manual

It seems so

Well working 15 hours a day

And biking on the weekends

Now I can smell the shit from a mile

Itโ€™s kind of interesting

Naturally i lost all interest on bitches now

Was spinning a few plates after that

8 9 10s

Now cant be fked anymore

Yeah the whole me too BS is spreading here as well now

Yeah man


To be honest you must be a dumb shot

To get in trouble like that here

Itโ€™s mostly cucks who all in that shit


In J you are guilty till proven innocent

I have been very very active never had anyone around me or myself in such situation

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