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Assuming one isnt cohabitating or getting married

I like how you think brother


Is this a show?

Anyways, to wrap up what I was saying earlier. I highly suggest all mgtow check out van life, Cobb and strawbail houses, and how to minimize/pay off debt.

I miss real ramen

Was stationed in Okinawa for three years

I kinda like gay guys, in that it almost immediately identifies Male feminists

Let's one know who to avoid if they out themselves like that

Tbh..most dudes are so soft these days, they may as well be gay. All that soy

It does. Just be as unapologetically as masculine as possible. You'll literally aggravate some.

This is the kinda stuff that happens when males are raised by women. Single mother households and then female teachers all through school. It fucks them up. They idolize women..some try to become them

They're very much not okay. They fuck their sons all up.

Only the smart ones free themselves from the mental corruption that a single mother will inflict

Like look at RPG games and how many dudes will make female characters.


It's all disgusting. I feel conflicted as a mgtow. I want to help other men, but most just disgust and repulse me with their level of emasculation and female worship


The programming is something they have to free themselves of. So many are caught up on either end of the spectrum. Either femboys and soft as fuck, or the 'real man' pussy-hound type of dude. Both are equally fail.


I work with tons of homeless men. Most are either addicts, or dealing with untreated mental illness. Usually both. Some are just a waste of skin that'll never amount to much.

Mmhm. Not a judgement on my part. I spent 10 years drinking. I've been sober nearly four.

I held down a job and shit, but still

Very true

Tons of addicts out there that don't know it yet. I see it all the time

Yup. As Maynard said: "What's the rush now? Everyone will have his day to die."

Denmark is on my list to visit zoon @RagingAC

I hope you didn't tip

Waitressing is a woman's game. Tip the men you see, and tip the females nothing. Don't feel bad, some simp will be along to save-a-ho

I'm not even surprised by the opportunism. It's noteworthy to point out that she did this knowing the guys in question, and likely knowing that they had bills to pay.

Hopefully men wise up and just leave women alone..especially when it pertains to legality and finance

I wouldn't be surprised if there was a promotion being discussed and who all was eligible

Nah, they won't @shadowlessnexus

But I do wonder how much shittier stuff has to get before your average man wakes the fuck up.

When men aren't allowed at university?

When a divorce means a man loses everything 100% of the time?

When they for real instate a man tax?

I did installation for awhile. And have also installed residential elevators. We had no women thankfully, but you'd see a few here and there with labor's union


I enjoy the trades, but it does attract a lot of the pussy-hound, "a REAL man does 'x'" types.

I hate boomers as a general group.

They've done a good deal to fuck this country all up

They'd have the younger generations think that

But they as a group have withdrawn more than 7 times what they've paid into social security

They refuse to retire..because they didnt plan for it, which ties up jobs and helps ensure younger generations are underemployed.

They lean left, and are generally approving of feminists.

Bra-burners, etc.

If they aren't, they lean toward fundamentalism, nuclear family and the man being yoked like a fucking ox. Because "man up!"


I would plan hard for your retirement. Social security isnt gonna be there. Roth IRA or an IRA are decent options.

The student loan bubble is gonna pop. Idk how that will effect the economy, but it would be very prudent to be debt-free and ready to go where there's work.

The national debt is troubling. We can't even pay the interest on that. Imo, keep some food, rifles and bullets tucked away somewhere. Develop skills that are recession-proof. Mechanics, etc are always needed.

Debt is one of the biggest problems. Get outta debt asap and don't get back into it.

I agree Sparky.

Mgtow is largely a ghost nation

But one sure way to harm this whole gynocentric system is to reduce consumerism and starve the beast of taxes.

If I'm following right, imo, mgtow's survival hinges on it being non-hierarchical.

Hard to subvert something that is decentralized.

MRAs are fucking up there because they encourage female and bluepill participation. All it will take are a few popular, bluepill personality types embedded in that group to drop them all on their heads. Besides that, they don't seem to realize that mainstream society doesnt give a fuck about Male suicide rates, family court injustice, little boys being drugged outta their boyhood; adhd and the accompanying medication.

And I hear you Sparky. Maybe I'm jaded, but I don't see shit changing for the better. I think things are actually gonna get worse.

Likewise with mgtow, I avoid the 'alpha Male' Aaron Clary types, and those that think like him. They're a potentially subversive element in mgtow. They're just edgy pussy-hounds that are still defining themselves based on their interactions with women.

Okay, done spamming paragraphs now lmao

Yup. Later dude.

I'll be out here soon


Level 6 now. Gonna dump all my stats into nerd rage.

Maybe. I think that if there are identifiable, objectively provable issues that men face within society, and some self-identified mgtows encourage other men into those traps, are they really mgtow? Ie, mgtows encouraging others to seek validation via women. That to me seems contrary. But the real problem is that it does indeed draw a line in the sand imo.

That would imply a group, or at least a collectively held set of ideas, etc.

Yeah..I'm not sitting here steamed up about it, but it's fun to consider.

With that, its time to elbow drop my bed. Night dudes.

*it's hump day*

Imo, you can diet easier than that. I assume you're already eating somewhat healthy. Just cut your portions in half and hit the gym. No need for dieting.

Sup dudes

Sup dudes

Been a long couple weeks. Work sucks

YouTube takes down another huh?

Fuck google

And people yap on about our freedoms. And people still think we're free.

It does suck

And there's not really a good alternative for content producers.

I hope people wake up. If people with our views can be censored, so can anyone. The private corporation argument is kind of bunk with how information is spread.

Speech rights need to be protected even when using privately-owned platforms.


Men will be put into chains before anyone finally pauses to scratch their head and wonder at the state of things.

It's the same with argument with the second amendment. Who cares about weapon ownership when all other rights are under direct attack.

We are not free.

I'm saying this as a people second amendment guy/vereran.

I'm sure she did

Cried about her fefes and the chumps came out in droves for that sweet sweet e-vajay.

They already are in entertainment

Look at the marvel movies

Go look at the average video game review whining about white males

We live in strange times. I forget who said it, but freedom isn't free. The time is coming soon I think.

Soft censor/control is more sustainable than gulags and chains

@YuriBezmenov exactly. So long as the illusion is there. People will accept whatever.


That's how it's done @Deleted User

Nice, succinct way of putting it

How though? How do you wake up a nation stupefied by distractions and virtue-signalling? I mean, your average person still thinks that politics aren't two sides to the same Jack-boot crashing down on our necks.


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