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The tradition passed down to the Church Fathers from Moses, affirmed and elaborated on by Jesus Christ and His disciples and St. Paul, concerns the correct way to interpret the Bible

I believe his father Walid turned Catholic after marrying a Mexican woman, but his son was maybe always traditional Catholic

I feel his father Walid is wiser to what Islam really is and the dire necessity of arming ourselves with the Word, lest we have no defense against their heresies

The saints have always called Islam "the chief heresy" or "the final heresy". If you look at the heresies the modern generation of Christian has fallen into, they are all sourced from Islam.

Sure, it can only infect where there is no immune system. That immune system is sound doctrine.

There's backlash in America by the silent majority that you don't see in other countries to the same extent. But we are definitely falling away. Even evangelicals now. And there's a reason for it but I'm not sure I should say.

Red/Gold, North, Left, are all expressions of severe judgment.

Northern Europe was the last to be depaganized, and it immediately split off from everyone else and militarily allied with the Muslims against Europe

Do they have warm, tight-knit communities or do they stick to themselves?

I have always heard that the average Scando is quasi-autistic

I moved up north to be with a golden-haired Scando wife

Notice: Minnesota is full of Somalian terrorists and has Muslim politicians and no-go zones

Same people produce the same results somewhere totally different

MN left a very bad taste in my mouth. I was struck that they exalted themselves over other states who integrate/assimilate people and try to elevate them and therefore have racial tension, whereas they totally segregate themselves from others bragging that there's no racial conflict.

There is zero interaction between the Scandos with the Mexican, Hmong, and Somalian populations they imported

They have no idea what Somalians (al-Shabaab) are plotting because they have no connection to them

>Twelve minutes into the video, the terror group makes it clear Minnesota is part of their propaganda plan, highlighting Minnesota men who have left to fight overseas calling them the "Minnesota martyrs.โ€

yeah, sounds like Minneapolis, little Mogadishu

Socialism is state atheism. State atheism is a level of delusion that leads to punishing oneself with extremely bad decisions.

It's allowed for one to worship God through an intermediary. It's not desirable, but it's allowed.

What's most important is following the morals. Every religion has a core set of morals they all agree with each other on.

There is an ancient heresy called antinomianism, which has been reheated as grace theology, that says that if you try to be moral then you're trying to be perfect and only Christ was perfect, so you're rejecting Him

Because coming closer to God requires following Him, grace theology utterly destroys the ability of people to ever get out of heresy

It's a good summation. Particularly, standing against vanity (arrogance) and anger, which are really one and the same, i.e. being humble.

That's why Jesse's message is so powerful, because this is the most important character attribute to conquer

If one has self, attachment, he can't correct any of the other flawed character attributes, because he can't accept feedback without becoming defensive

Without attachment to ego, there is nothing to defend

Atheists are by nature selfish, so they don't see the use for children, the problem solves itself

Their children are their spiritual children, the people who treat them as intellectual authorities

They just pull out and use contraception/abortion

"The Truth is written in our heart" "Your heart's not pure"

@Truth#3972 never responded to anything I wrote in answer to his previous questions

Deists are very selective about historic documents. They accept the testimony of Suetonius that Julius Caesar crossed the Rubicon, but they reject the much more widely documented testimony of Moses (and others) about the Judeo-Christian faith. Why did Suetonius speak the truth, but Moses was a liar?

Of course, the ultimate event which disproves deism is the Incarnation. If we can prove (beyond reasonable doubt) that Jesus Christ is the Incarnate Son of God then we absolutely disprove deism.

"There is no evidence from nature and reason alone that God is good. Nor is there any evidence from nature or reason alone that the good life includes care for others unless it benefits oneself."

2018-07-24 18:42:14 UTC [Patriots' Soapbox #psb-voice-content]  


Serbian Orthodoxy is Eastern Orthodoxy. What's the problem?

Any talking after your monologue is burying your content? OK, I won't talk then. But I did read it all.

Then why are you complaining that me responding to you is spamming?

Do you really think the religion Serbian Orthodoxy is Satanic?

I am talking about the religion, not the actual body of believers in Serbia

Where do you disagree with Eastern Orthodox *doctrine*?

I read everything you wrote, like I said, if you were reading me

You are in contact with God but you can't ask Him my first and last name?

What can you ask Him, if you're in contact with Him?

An atheist will say that someone religious is evil

A religious will say that someone very religious is evil

I never asked for a sign, I asked a very simple question

Lots of doctrines preach the idea of Christ consciousness

I read what you left, but the translation loses some ideas

If your work is done, why are you still here?

If I didn't believe you, I wouldn't be curious to know what you can ask Him about

The Bible never stops warning against anger

Muslim belief is that the Bible is corrupted

Christianity has been fighting for its life against heresy since its birth

The East has always been a swamp of heresy

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