(Snoopy) John B. McNuggets Jr.

Discord ID: 491359080330559499

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@PurpleGrimmy yeah that is one of the big "mysterys of science"

a fun thing is "dark matter", supposedly 26% of our universe is made up of dark matter, so the laws of physics we see on solar system scale don't seem to hold up if we look beyond that,
now what they account for it, is by just adding mass here and there, but usually mass is observable stuff, so to reconcile what we observe in terms of mass, and what we observe in terms of e.g. the motion of bodys, electromagnetic effects etc., by adding "dark matter"

I think my microphone just broke

> Exclusive: Russia's Rosneft to switch to euros in oil products tenders - traders

`Exclusive: Russia's Rosneft to switch to euros in oil products tenders - traders`

@Seeker of Truth it was enough the guy I wanted to show it

finally saw it

also why do you write in lounge if you aren't in teh voice chat??

three in total

hi, I found no introduction channel on the server, so I'm going to tell you guys here about me:
I'm in my late twenties, I'm an Engineer, top 5% income bracket for my country (Germany), I'm a single male, I have had my last sex/relationship 9 years ago

I just thought it would be nice to introduce myself being new on the server

oh currently i'm studying for my hunting liscence, as I want to pick up hunting as a hobby ๐Ÿ™‚

which I guess is a quite hermit hobby? ๐Ÿ˜„

we don't have bears or mountain lions in central europe, and european wolves are smaller than e.g. west coast canadian ones, and usually don't pick on adult men

even the canadian west coast wolf have never been seen to attack a group of adult men larger than three

due to their wrong behaviour?

or simply due to being alone

what are you guys up to? (hobbies, work, lurking etc.)

I got one recently

Plantronics Voyager Focus UC B825M

it is pretty good quality, blue tooth, has a chargeing station/holder

cool, I have done some origami

oh I also want to get into prepping

reminded by you mentioning paracord

when you sit at the bar how do you guys react when girls come over to you and start talking to you?

my suggestion is: ask her for a drink, either she leaves or you get a free drink

and it isn't really offensive

yeah it is good praxis

as long as you never give or commit any resources, and are only in a public space with lots of people you are safe

you miss headache the next morning

@rart well last time I was at a bar was prior to #metoo

I'm drinking a breakfast beer right now

@rart I'm bavarian, it is cultural :3

ah I don't drink three beer for breakfast, one or two, and only on days off

oh, that's something I wanted to ask you guys, probably esp. the ones not having a wife/girlfriend. You guys probably have more money than you spend on a normal month, how do you manage your assets?

`The one saving grace is that my wife makes slightly more money` oh man, that's a pretty good situation to be in, as far as marriage goes

in terms of the whole divorce rape issue

yeah I think real estate is probably one of the better ways to generate income

how is this working out with your wife?

that is in theory correct

but you may initiate contact with them

many lodges have open days from time to time where you may visit e.g.

formally you have to be introduced but you can be the one showing strong interest in it, and repeatedly hint that you share their values

that should be obvious enough once you have contact

that is if you actually share their values, otherwise why would you do that

I don't see that as a problem tbh

yeah that would be the problem

being a member of something like freemasonry, but not the same, a lot of the appeal is the actual social community you share with people outside family and work, and the chance for contemplation within ritual work

well in germany we have lots of male-only student fraternities

and afaik most freemason lodges are men only or women only, not mixed

there is also "menhouses"

for men escaping their abusive wifes

that also gets money by the state

well I'm talking germany

I think europe is a bit different on some of those things

like in sweden they introduced military conscription for women as well, not just men to make it more fair

I read 20% of victims of domestic violence are men, so they probably should have one for the men too

are those funded by the state?

that's such a clichรฉ

sexual intensity of violent people

yeah I believe you

just because somethign is a cliche doesn't mean it isn't true

oh and the houses for men, they state explictily it is both for victims of physical and psychological violence by their wifes/girlfriends

I'd assume the psychological violence is even way more common than physical by women

that's even threat of physical abuse

I think that is also a problem in upbringing, while boys are being taught to not be violent, people don't really teach girls that to the same extend

children imitate their parents actions more than their words, that is true too, if at least one of the parents shows shit behaviour in their actions children may well be impacted in their own behaviour

and then learn it the hard way trough the justice system (or not)

@rart If I may ask, how do you make a living beside your assets?

like a communication engineer?

or on what level

like, you open boxes in the neighborhoods, install DSLAMs, connect that stuff, sometimes open the street to find a disconnected cable and fix it

that kind of stuff?

I used to assemble large scale industrial machinery, lots of communication and power cables, cabling the control cabinets, and the field devices, also debugging PLC software and such, also did the stuff for hydraulic and pneumatic systems, and assembled gearboxes and other mechanical parts of the machines, but then I went to university getting a degree in engineering, now I work in control engineering/embedded software for the electric drives of electric cars

your job is probably pretty safe, people aren't suddenly not going to need telecommunication anymore

and there will always be stuff breaking or new connections needed

esp. as then suddenly they'll hire unexperienced people when there is more work to do

so do they give you aid from teams from other areas around your county in general?

if there is less to do there etc.

yeah so they are sort of wearing down everything

they see it as an established market with not much growth to come, so they'll just try to take out as much money as they can for each year

I mean in the end a telco is a property business (owning the tubes with your telco cables), and you guys are the janitors ๐Ÿ˜„ (no offense)

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