
Discord ID: 480564446054580235

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2019-10-14 08:21:24 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

##### __**PING ALL**__ #####

I am copy and pasting to all servers that I am a member of, so not bothering to check the rules. If you are allowed to __**ping me here**__, than please do so periodically to remind me to drink fluids. I tend to get so into projects that I care about that I forget __**self-care**__. I do better at taking care of others than myself. If you cannot __**ping**__, feel free to __**DM**__. ๐Ÿ˜‚

##### __**PING ALL**__ #####

2019-10-14 08:58:52 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Thanks, @Volvo | ไธๆฐ—ๅ‘ณใชๆœˆ้–“

At least __**someone**__ gets it.

2019-10-18 03:08:59 UTC [The Ice Wall #lounge]  

Is it just me, or does Discord seem to be going wack on multiple fronts?

Actually the actual title that the word that is generally rendered God, in the King James Bible, is actually AHLAHAYAMA in ancient pictographic Hebrew, so what do you get if you drop the HAYAMA? This is simply a title that means mighty one. There are many mighty ones, but He is the Almighty and his name is YAHAWAHA. Just like Adam was the Firstborn of the Creation described in Genesis, the Messiah was the Firstborn of the New Creation. He was created by supernatural means as the actual physical child of Joseph and Mary without the need for them to be physically intimate. If the Father physically impregnated Mary, it would make her an adulteress, if she married Joseph. The Messiah was supernaturally made the offspring of Joseph and Mary and given the Father's name YAHAWASHAI. This means YAHAWAHA is Saves. YAHAWASHAI became the willing vessel through which YAHAWAHA Saves. He demonstrated complete humility and a friendship with the Father better than that of Enoch, Abraham, or Moses. The Messiah was not saying that he was not of the lineage of David, he was just speaking prophetically that He would be elevated above David. He knew that his unselfish love and commitment to the Father's plan of redemption would be rewarded. The Messiah is not deity, he became a son because of his obedience and commitment to righteousness. This is why the Father didn't declare the Messiah His son, until he told John the Baptist "...thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness...". It was after that that the Father declared him his son and poured out more of Himself into him. He was already spiritually raised from the dead at this point. It was after his crucifixion, burial, and resurrection that his body was renewed as well.

Give me a problem that you believe that it is the job of government to solve...and I will show you how government is either the cause of the problem or has contributed significantly to the worsening of the problem.

Ok....who builds the roads now?

Well, fine. What men actually do the building of the roads?

Ok, so then, technically what role does the government play in the building of the roads?

Reality is not subjective, though our perception of it is. Real is real, no matter how you perceive it. If you draw something with an intent and give it a name, someone else's perception doesn't change the reality of your intent. Without reality, there is no Truth or Morality. Without Truth, there is no lies.

Look....re **__CORONA VIRUS__**

Here is some **__PERSPECTIVE__**

Number of people in the world
7.53ย billion (2017) It is now 2020

Number of people with CORONA VIRUS
Over 900 (I will be fair and do the calculation with 1000, in case the number has risen)

= .0000000753 = .00000753%

The world death toll is 26 (we'll do the calculation with 50)

=.00000000644 =.000000644%




Causing unnecessary fear and panic to sell poison vaccines that will keep people needing pharmaceutical interventions later.

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