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Hello hello I'm new here

I'm just here to actually join an anti-communist community. Not an actual member of the organization, but just like to share the common hate of the ideology and it's practices. I consider myself a National-Libertarian. Politically Libertarian, socially Nationalist. Hope to be a good addition to the crew!

My pov may be a bit biased, but she is quite authoritarian. She may not necessarily be a full communist, but she supports many Marxist-like policies. Not sure if there's a cult of personality around her yet, but I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm doubtful that he will, but we'll have to wait and see.

Hopefully the Republican Senate and weakened Dem house can stop Biden's more neolib policies, but it's still up in the air.

I believe there was voter fraud as well, but so far there's not enough evidence to prove it in court.

And the courts will be even more Dem-leaning since Biden will appoint more federal judges.

I did hear about that theory, although I haven't delved into it much. I don't want to accidentally jump the gun.

It is funny how the biggest militarized and rich country in the world has so many "mistakes" happen during the biggest election in a long time.

It's a shame I'm watching my country slowly fall into socialism. Feels bad man.

"Truth and Reconciliation Council"

I'll at least give the new administration a chance, but when things go too extreme I'm ready to do what must be done.

You both Serb?

Based. I'm personally in favour of bringing back Yugoslavia as a democratic federation. I feel like it could bring peace and stability in my opinion, but I'm an American, so my understanding of Western Balkan politics is little. I get most of my stuff from my buddy Milos and this Serbian Mapper dude.

I wonder how Biden will manage to undo Trump's peace agreements between Serbia and Kosovo? One can only wonder.

Probably because of Serbian nationalism being so strong. A "dangerous" idea that could spread to their own people.

There are a few holdouts. For example, my buddy Milos and his family. But I'm not sure about the majority of the populace. But throughout history they've always been very nationalistic.

Wish people were more informed. Standard nationalism doesn't equal Nazism or anything like that. Ethno-nationalism is something to be concerned if though. Nationalism by itself is just patriotic Anti-Globalism and anti-communism, as well as a social movement that encourages the individual to think more than just about himself, but also about his country and fellow countrymen.

But noooooo, one word can just be dumbed down to a very simplified definition, a definition that coincidentally tries to shove in all the evilest ideologies and beliefs you can possibly find.

Couldn't have said it any better!

By the way, I've been meaning to ask some questions I've had about Anticom. Is there any kind of organized leadership?

I don't hate Albanians or anything like that, but what they did to Kosovo truly is abhorrent. Sadly the Balkans has a lot of history about ethnic displacement.

Sorry if I'm late, just saw the earlier discussions and wanted to chime in and share.

Enemy Agent Identified ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Lookin sexy ๐Ÿ‘

You know it

Based Free Belarus

Makes it even better

Eastern Europe and their people are based at and really nice, just wish their govts were more freedom loving

Byelorussians are kinda like a weird mix of disgruntled Russians and Ruthenians that gained anti-Russian nationalism one day and created their own state. Nowadays they're pretty friendly towards Russia tho.

Well the younger generation seems to want a spring

And to westernize

Can't say I do

Let's hope Belarus can decouple from Russia and westernize. The decoupling part is likely to happen even under Luka anyways. He's been getting pissed off with Russian trade.

@hqjsdbsnwa They still have the KGB if I remember correctly.

That's what they get for subverting liberty. All of Luka's goons who are complacent are accomplices.

To be expected, they are Russian supported succession groups after all.

Russia has a real Soviet fetish even when they aren't Soviet anymore.


Donetsk and Luhansk right?

Makes me cringe.

Well Belarus is kinda in a revolution rn. Luka's having to deal with the youth protesting and rioting in the streets.

Plus the opposition fled the country and is calling the current govt illegitimate.

Russia will be pissed off though. It could spark a more serious war. I do think Russian soldiers are stationed there.

Plus it could be hard to convince Moldova. They've kinda been meaning east for a long while now.


I doubt the EU would want to get involved, they're scared shitless of Russia. And well... My home country of the US is going through some complications.

It's possible Biden might wanna do it to piss off Russia, but I'm not sure.

Ukraine does have a lot of paramilitary groups, but they might be preoccupied with the east. Unless that peace agreement holds out between Ukraine and Russia.

We can recruit International brigades of anti-communists to take on those Transnistrians as well. Using a commie tactic against them.

@Deleted User When someone eventually gets to the point of not caring what other people call them is when their tactics start to become less fruitful.

We need to breed a new generation of intellectual nationalistic anti-authoritarian youth to combat truly despicable ideologies like communism. For communism is not an ideology supported by intellectualism, but an ideology supported by brainwashing, mob tactics, and fear.

And we need to treat the smaller branches like socialism and social democracy with the same fervor.

People who are sheltered their whole lives, find out of a different way of life, and immediately shift all of their values and beliefs without question and deeper thought. Intellectualism requires self research and constant tweaking of a mindset. But these people just repeat their dogma religiously.

Yeah, considering it's an ideology with a history of oppressing those kinds of people. @BrotherRomanasu

@hqjsdbsnwa Yeah, I used to be a centrist my whole life. Then I made the realization that just because it's compromise and in the middle doesn't mean it's good. So then I did constant research on the ideas of liberty and economics, compared it to my Lutheran faith, and became the Libertarian I am now.

It's the types that think just because their govt isn't all it's cracked up to be means we can't trust literally anything we know at all, not even if we can research it ourselves.

I try to at least feel pity for them, considering how ignorant they might be. But others I feel full hatred for. To support any form of socialism, you either gotta be ignorant, complacent, or evil.

I will fight and die for my country until the last breath. I'd rather die for the cause than leave it to live on foreign soil.

@Deleted User Culture is often formed around geography and it's history. Although it's not impossible to mass immigrate to a country and change its culture from within to meet one's own, not only is it a certain prospect, I find it immoral. The concept of the nation state is to secure different groups' interests, customs, values, traditions, and culture behind different lines of political control. When the concept of culture being connected to geography as well as it's people, it often dies or becomes an amalgamated combination with other cultures. I have very much respect for all Western nations, their cultures, their people, and their history, but Anericanism just isn't American without America.

*an uncertain

*Without the concept


Ugh, so many grammatical mistakes. My fault for turning off autocorrect.

@Deleted User The winds of change always start with one person. If you wish to take your ideas of freedom elsewhere, that's completely fine, I'd just implore you to think about what you're leaving behind before you do anything drastic. If we all have the mindset of moving away to somewhere else, away from the problem, then we're ready not fixing anything, we're honestly just running away. Martyrdom make or break a nation, a final stand against the tides of evil can inspire others to stand beside you. Before you know it, you could be the start of a new movement of freedom and justice, making a change in your own nation for the better.


*can make

If we don't hold the line here, what's guaranteeing we got a refuge to escape to? It's not like any of these other countries such as Switzerland or Singapore are any better freedom wise.

@Deleted User Oh yeah, forgot about that.

@Deleted User I'm planning on possibly joining up with the Three Percenters, or forming a local militia myself.

Hmmm... So something like Northwest Front? Minus the white supremacy and fascists of course.

They've basically been encouraging they're "types" to move to areas around cascadia and form all white communities. Perhaps I can encourage libertarians to set up shop in Pennsylvania.

It is how it is ๐Ÿ‘

M o d e r n D a y R a c i s m

@Deleted User I've decided to go ahead with your idea on forming communities to combat the cultural change. I'd like to introduce Operation Golden Front, encouraging Libertarians and Conservatives alike to move to Pennsylvania to start communities. Not only will this give us a safe harbour to help cultivate a culture of anti-authoritarianism and freedom, but it is also strategically important to future elections. Pennsylvania has a fair bit of electoral votes, and is seen as a swing state. With our efforts, we can guarantee it to never go Blue again.

I'd encourage everyone, American or not, to at least spread the word about this effort.

Urban, suburban, rural, any community can make a change.

I'll elaborate more on the tenets of the front, as well as possible future ideas for it. I'm also willing to hear constructive criticism and ideas from you all as well. Any input helps!

But for now I'm calling it a night.

Looks professional indeed!

POV: You're a poor American boy stumbling through the streets of Brooklyn who didn't give any money to Zionist trust funds

I reckon we call our new union the Union of Free American States if we go through with secession

Sadly that is true, but a man can dream right?

It's sad how most people don't care about rights or economic freedom anymore. If you even bring up politics with most people they just shut you down. Anything that happens now is what the American people deserve.

And it's fine dude, it's just being realistic.

Yeah, mega corporations have subverted our republic and has destroyed our free market. And the laws meant to prevent this are never enforced due to the politicians being paid off by the corporates. They've made people so reliant on media that people can't tell fact from fiction either.

I'm all for a free market capitalist country, but Libertarians and Conservatives need to realize that monopolies are inherently anti-free market, things won't change until the elites are stopped.

Exactly! It's close to impossible to boycott and hold monopolies accountable due to their grip on the industry and public influence.

Locke's proviso even justifies Monopoly busting when you read into it.

What's Comcast?

I assume they're an internet or phone provider?

@Wheeze Western Pennsylvania, we use AT&T out here

@terry It doesn't, my argument is we need anti-monopoly laws

@Wheeze Guess it's just something I need to look more into

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