Message from @Захарченко
Discord ID: 812629584067559445
what's the point?
@Захарченко you are Ukranian?
that explains a lot
you can keep krakow, don't worry
I can find you a muzzie on this server to worship
how about that?
how do you figure?
do you know how to anserw questions?
@Захарченко all Slavs should stick together or we all shall perish
ah yes
a pollack stumped by the application of a counter-question
I just point biological argument
you guys were smarter in 1939
@akumanozetto are you for reunification with Germany?
no I am like the french, I like a lot of smaller germanies
you have no argument austrian since your country is conquered witouth a war
nothing good has ever come out of the german state since 1871
you are inferior to semite
prove me wrong
germans are a bunch of zealous autists who just know extremes
Prove him wrong
they shouldn't be allowed to rule themselves
"who just know extremes"
sjw argument
do you have pink hair?
pollack why dont you be quiet for awhile
austrians are retards who meme themselces into an irrelevant country
why should I when I'm superior
adults are at the table
I have my state perfectly fine while your is dying
@akumanozetto we killed your archduke
I have better right to speak
@Erlik ᚯ did you a lot of good, huh