Message from @Захарченко
Discord ID: 812630145537277952
germans are a bunch of zealous autists who just know extremes
Prove him wrong
they shouldn't be allowed to rule themselves
"who just know extremes"
sjw argument
do you have pink hair?
pollack why dont you be quiet for awhile
austrians are retards who meme themselces into an irrelevant country
why should I when I'm superior
adults are at the table
I have my state perfectly fine while your is dying
@akumanozetto we killed your archduke
I have better right to speak
@Erlik ᚯ did you a lot of good, huh
We won
[citation needed]
are you fucking dumb
ending up on the winning side is not hte same as winning
that is why all austrians are fucking inferior
pretty ballsy of you to join this server, respect!
We saw how well your army performed against Serbs
@Erlik ᚯ you should thank us though for incompetent military leadership
why is that
walking troops into an artillery training field
that's a gift
@akumanozetto *your racial inferiority
as a member of hte alpinid race with proud roman roots I dont care
Why are austrians so retarded is it radiation from uranium deposits in the mountains?
"proud roman roots"
thank you for your incompetent military leadership
Side affect of incest in Alps I suppose was poor sight
damn your ancestors created faggotry that's all romans have achieved
and fell to some jew in palestine
you're not a catholic pollack?
as a serb you don't want to flex with military themes