Message from @Charlemango
Discord ID: 288316771398582272
I was gonna say, I'm pretty sure she's old as shit
glad to see her character back
But anyway, this isn't the place for our particular brand of faggotry
also one foot in the grave one dick in the cave
So I'll cut myself off while I'm still ahead
we dont post images
we post redpilss since we all know where all cross posters on the board
Oy vey, we have some nice diversity on /pol/ there, goy
we do nigga
Also what's that nicuckelodeon thing all about
its a cuck director who made cuck porn and then got hired to make a cuck show for cuck kids
legit IRL
this shit just keeps getting more and more ridiculous
noice one
and my waifu best
no waifu no laifu
also my favorite book is "Fallout: Equestria" by David Duke
Kick him please
He started it.
Don't be a nigger.
By the way, anyone know the legal status of smoke grenades? I don't think they're classified as "weapons"
My favorite book is My Immortal by Adolf Hitler
same tbh fam
You can get smoke grenades of off fucking airsoft sites lol
The milsurp m18 ones are better, and still easy to get though
I meant using them in public, forgot to add that little detail