Message from @Charlemango
Discord ID: 288322410577657857
The milsurp m18 ones are better, and still easy to get though
I meant using them in public, forgot to add that little detail
I'd have to check
Because they could be hella useful for dispersing a clusterfuck of antifa goons
Also, we need some big ass loudspeakers for marches
Smoke grenades are legal
So are 37mm launchers
You're gonna get fucked by the long dick of the law
To play stars and stripes, battle hymn of the Republic, etc
Not in my state lol
I'm talking about the cuck states with heavy Antifa presence
I hope they try shit in Texas
Oh yeh that could be a problem
Antifa music consists of shitty edm lol
I live in Indiana which is a notoriously red state
Same with mine
So I guess I have that going for me
spread conerivatve respesntation
"But goy, they're only more prone to violent crime because their impoverished environment caused by centuries of white oppression!"
this is perfect
>455 discord members
wew boys
It's getting pretty big
Also, we're about to hit 1K twitter followers today
what happens when you post on /pol/
good job btw
Pol posts usually net us around 150 people per day
when they don't get shoahed by the mods
I got banned again for "calling for invasions and doxing." The post they cited was just the regular OP
Using a VPN now to try and make a new general anyway
I got (((banned))) for responding to a raid thread