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Some brutal scenes coming out of France. May God have mercy on the French people & deliver them.
@Thumper - Sorry about that; just trying to find the room
Didn't know it dropped me into live
@[412 Anon] - Also check out Isaac Kappy and his rants about Seth Green & the meaning of chicken.
It's a direct rebuttal of the fake news attack calling QAnon a cult or disinfo
Q is telling us to trust but verify
@RadixVerum @Pamphlet Anon - In the Hermetic School which Freemasonry & a lot of other secret societies come from, there's definitely the use of intoxicating elements, but not necessarily psychedelics as commonly known.
Alcohol, Incense blends, & potions created using the techniques of Alchemy.
Alchemy is a very hidden part of the magical arts, it's only ever taught to a select few
@Pamphlet Anon - The reason Gold was so valued is because it is incorruptible, it was seen as being a "divine" or "immortal" element compared to the rest of creation
The Philosopher's Stone was a medicine of immortality; extracting the essence of the immortal element & making it something the human body could be nurtured with
We see the same quest in the Rasayana of the Vedic Alchemists & the Daoist External Elixir; they eventually focused on the internal elixir
From the internal elixir came the whole of the Yogic style practices; Dao Yin, Tai Chi, etc. The Western Hermetic Tradition has a tradition known as "the body of light"
It's possible that the princes ruling over the cardinal directions is a reference to the Goetia
"Wee Conjure thee O thou mighty & potent Prince Carnesiel who is the Emperour & cheife Comander, ruling as King in the dominion of the East who beares rule by the power of the supreame God El, over all Spirits &c. "
@Pamphlet Anon - Totally agreed. 3-5 minute videos in that format are going to be a powerful tool
@GoldenDragon316 - I got an invite to that Illuminati Ball last year. Came via
These sorts of groups are getting popular among the silicon valley set; they're feeder groups for outer court initiations. Just like the illuminist symbolism in hip hop you're lead to believe you're part of the elite when really you're just a puppet for the real power.
@Pamphlet Anon - Sounds like we need an after school program ๐
Thanks for the link
@Coindup -> Stephan <- - Looks similar to
Decent video at the end
@Caleb55 - Weishaupt & the Illuminists were inspired by Hermeticism. Their ideas on an enlightened ruling class goes back at least as far as Aristotle. They were rationalists often opposed to the Kantian Transcendental Idealism.
@Caleb55 - The Founding Fathers wrote about Illuminati infiltration in the early US; they were often referred to as "the Jacobins" as the Illuminists were involved in the French Revolution & it's bloody terror.
The French Revolution ended up creating a secular cult based on the altar of reason; they desecrated churches. France has never recovered, it's still one of the most secular European nations.
@Cris - No problem. You were busy! Fraternity, Equality, & Liberty is still used by the Freemasons; part of their ideological inheritance from the infiltration of the Bavarian Illuminati.
@karlibonne - It's a bot; as you post you get numeric ranks that unlock new functionality
For example now you can participate in the daily call in show 412Anon & Pamphletanon do
@Pamphlet Anon - I find it more interesting that he keeps drawing parallels back to "life." In life & politics it's not so simple. In life & art nothing should be off the table.
This is a form of rhetorical trope
They're implying he's alive, seeding the idea & then he "drops the bomb" with "you never saw me die"
"The ceremonies you have seen today are ancient, and some of their origins are veiled in the mists of the past. But their spirit and their meaning shine through the ages never, perhaps, more brightly than now. I have in sincerity pledged myself to your service, as so many of you are pledged to mine. Throughout all my life and with all my heart I shall strive to be worthy of your trust."
@CANADA MIKE @Pamphlet Anon -
A Q Drop discussing power outages
@Pamphlet Anon - The discrepancy between views & likes might be due to how the algorithm counts a view. There may be a minimum time or percentage that has to be watched before it counts as a view.
@Pamphlet Anon - Great point on how we need to be aware & discussing how the tables could be turned on us by a power change. Was my first thought when I saw the new regulations on military tribunals during martial law & the expansion of National Security to include non-state actors & stuff.
@Roxi_USA & @Pamphlet Anon - Blockchain is like can be used like an immutable database. Inserts, no Updates. It's potentially very useful for secure voting
@Coindup -> Stephan <- - Apparently he doesn't like fiat currency, seems he loves money as he's always creating alternative forms of it ๐
@Coindup -> Stephan <- - Personally I feel like we're going to end up with FEDCoins plus blockchain tech in a lot of interesting places like EMR, Logistics etc.
Long term, it will become part of the Mark of the Beast, probably along the lines of Distributivism as discussed in Zeitgeist
XRP wants to be a Fed coin, but what I mean is something run by central banks like SWIFT is now
Estonia is a great example of where digital governance is oging
They'll add Universal Basic Income to it soon enough
@Coindup -> Stephan <- The only reason US residents can't participate is because they're ICOs which are designated as securities unless they're tied to a specific product/service. Basically if I can trade the coin in directly for something else of value that isn't cash, it's not a security... otherwise it's like an IPO and most cryptos don't want to register with the SEC
It's an attempt at regulating them so they can be traded on the stock market in due course. Launching bitcoin futures on the Chicago exchange is probably why Bitcoin tanked; the big players of the financial world are shorting that
In US law, a cryptocurrency is either a virtual currency which needs to be exchanged as a good, or it's a speculative investment (security)
Collectibles are speculative investments.
They're not going to designate crypto as paintings or sculptures; it's more like stock than stamps.
Like your patriot coin example, if Pam did a crypto that you could trade in for merch, that'd be perfectly legal in the US.
It's just a pre-sale token, a "coupon" of sorts at that point. Most cryptos aren't tied to anything else of value, except maybe other cryptos.
@Pamphlet Anon - The Illuminati Ball in NYC is performance art based on the Rothschild Ball
Are we really being considered for the Illuminati?
The Illuminati Balls are immersive theater productions, however, everyone accepted into our society will always be a part of our initiated group regardless of what occurs at the ball. We endeavor to enlighten and entertain you. Our favorite initiates may receive private party invitations in the future and/or perks at future balls.
@Pamphlet Anon - You're on air on youtube & the video premiere is back
Starting in five minutes it says
POTUS using a similar pen to Q Post?
POTUS using a similar pen to Q Post?
Watch depicted in Q post - IWC Portugieser Chronograph Classic
@SighOperator Appears POTUS has used several different pens during his tenure.
@Pamphlet Anon - RE: Epstein's plea deal... it's in jeopardy. His victims are trying to get it tossed as being illegal & inappropriate:
Great research on the use of frequency & cybernetics as part of a MK Ultra
@Roxi_USA - If you need content you could consider playing this documentary on Mass Surveillance. It's creative commons, so as long as you drop a link to the website in the main chat you don't have to stop it. Read the description of the video to confirm you're allowed to rebroadcast it for non-commercial use:
@Roxi_USA - Here's another one on Wikileaks. It's license is CC0 which means it's public domain; no need to pause or even link to it
The one on Wikileaks is a little old & is slanted against wikileaks, but it's free content that reviews the basics of why Assange is an outcast.
@Roxi_USA - John Perry Barlow was also in the Grateful Dead who was part of the whole CIA Acid Scene
@Roxi_USA - SAP = Special Access Program
@moeanon Some data on Planned Parenthood donations:
#1 Media Trend for January 2019 is that people are increasingly trusting traditional media.
@moeanon - ^
Which comes from the Nation of Islam which comes from
Prodigy is also thought to be connected to
@moeanon - Jordan Maxwell is a Theosophist & a shill. He's preaching the occult docrine
They're setting up a carefully crafted narrative that's ultimately circumstantial at best
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