mine2 (scheduled for deletion)

Discord ID: 217093570862120960

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atheists can have morals

morals don't need backings

they're subjective

im not an atheist either

i just find that narrative stupid

can you like let him speak

drowning out his messages with a wave of different attacks and questions isnt going to let him respond coherently any time soon @Scipio

The "`prove God does/doesn't exist then`" argument is pointless since neither side can really prove nor disprove his existence.

It is slightly more reasonable to assume that at least *something* created the Universe, rather than the Universe just spawning out of nowhere.

That doesn't answer the question you nigger

the fucking pings

Partnerships are good but tagging EVERYONE every time you get one is autistic

I don't wanna suppress `@here` and `@everyone` in settings in case I miss important shit

we have cool crowns n shit like that

and we're purple


the message must've been delayed for u

@air hi join monarchist

Feudalism is fuckin woke yo

Stellaris is shite

@Scheffs why are you getting triggered over me using more than one line of text

Libertarianism literally lets people be fags

They have the freedom to be degenerates

this is highly gay

bob marley literally died because of his toe

!play comrades the voices

horst wessel lied is shite

its the same tune

as horst wessel lied

just better lyrics

comrades the voices

british fascist music

!play rule britiannia

!play land of hope and glory

!play england anthem jerusalem

`Comrades, the voices of the dead battalions,
Of those who fell, that Britain might be great,
Join in our song, for they still march in spirit with us,
And urge us on to gain the fascist state!`




fuck i love british music

yes it says cross

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