Ted Cruz did9/11

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2018-06-12 19:11:23 UTC [Red Storm #customs]  

1. Nebraska
2. Christian Monarchist

2018-06-12 19:12:46 UTC [Red Storm #customs]  

I did what you said why ain't I in?

2018-06-12 19:20:09 UTC [Red Storm #customs]  

1. Nebraska
2. Monarchist
I'm not trying to raid just trying to join

Love is not just sex!

That's because sex is getting to mainstream and it starts to mess up love

Religious relationships are a way to keep it like that

But people didn't talk about it as much and hold fucking parades for it, it was something viewed to happen between a married man and woman

It was more than 6% in 1950

That was a majority of relationships

Back then

Tis why we need religious relationships

This woman becoming thots thing has ruined love in general

Now having a religious patterned is the best thing you can do, you just have to know where to find them

But can we really change that? It seems like sports players are almost imbedded in American culture now

I would use to say Ireland, but scence the repeal of the 8th idk

Russia has the same life expectancy of like poor African countries through

They are behind on medicine and are still trying to recover from communism

Weird people will cling to taboo ideologies just to stand out and get attention and stuff

Same reason why most no nazis are weird Intel people

What do you mean "beast"?

Like its good are bad?

Fascism might be the only thing left to save the west

Or at least some form of authoritarianism

The Germans were like only a few miles from Moscow at one point

The Germans should have won Ww1

I see your an August von machensin fan

I know I butchered the spelling

The national Ww1 museum is better than the national Ww2 museum

Only loss Vegas and rino

The rest of it is pretty good

Mid west is best

Lived there all my life

Nothing but conservatives up here

What did you think about the south Catalina race?

It proved that an indorcement from trump could change the game

People will be mad over whatever trump does
Out of stupid spite
Like Bill mahr does

They have to hate whatever trump does
They say it themselves

Like what there doing with MS-13 and Korea

No one living on the coast is an intellectual

Thinks we're so much simper during the 2016 election
We all had the same goal and a person to stand behind

The right was more unified

Sleep well thick nibba๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘ผ

Is that a bad thing?

Tell get Angy at trump no matter what he does through, like if trump started to let in all the immigrants they would all of a sudden be anti-immigration

If this could help sooth some tensions between Russia and America after the whole Syria thing than that's good

Everything is the end of the world to them

My guess is this is a good thing, less global organizations

Why would trump want a crisis? That would just make people dislike him more

That's the most backshit theory I've ever heard๐Ÿ˜‚

Roosevelt also rose out of an economic depression

Then served 5 terms

The only economic downfall under his administration has been a result of a unpredictable market

He looks weird through

No shirt and a leather jacket with long hair

But I guess that doesn't affect his brain

I want to see Ben Shapiro's reaction, I dislike him on a bunch of stuff but he is a great way to tell what the normi conservatives and neocons think

That means alot of the republican establishment will be two

That's why he won Ohio and west Virginia witch are typically democratic leaning economically

Completely shaking up the typical republican platform

There entire platform is just go against anything trump does

They have no real goals just Trump=Bad

@ThatRightWingFish Is that George Wallace in your profile pic? Because if so that's fucking based

Based, mainstream 'conservatives' could learn what a real traditionalist looks like from him

'Naturally conservative'? If you want to legalize weed than you arnt interested in actually conserving anything

@tsarsNeezy sMArty up hippie

Blacks will always find there way to jail, it's like a second home for them

The only people that want weed decriminalized don't have a job and get tax breaks so they shouldn't be allowed to vote

@tsarsNeezy aN Your blog about peace love and the evil goberment isn't a job

@tsarsNeezy aN That's Mexicans work

Philippines is the place to look to for drug policy

If you kill all drug deals no one can sell drugs

The main concern when talking about immigration is how to keep white people a majority in this country

Immigration is the reason why Texas is turning blue

Immigration is latterly breeding out the white majority in this country


Black people breeding like rabbits is our fertility problem

That's falls into immigrants then

Do Asians typically vote democrat or republican?

Well shit

A problem is mainstream conservatives refuse to talk about race when dealing with immigration
Or anything for that matter

Is a fag

((Ben Shapiro))

But telling Jewish kids to live themselves

He says he hates identity politics and then goes on about his Jewish identity

To the former Rhodesia?

<:dixieflag:422468859157544960> <:dixieflag:422468859157544960> <:dixieflag:422468859157544960>

!Carson Robison- We're Gonna Have to Slap the Dirty Little Japs

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