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2019-04-10 03:02:03 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

gone a year or so without shaving, might as well let my hair catch up

Iโ€™m not able to get out there in person, though if thereโ€™s a stream I could monitor the situation

trying to take a listen on local dispatch

alright, got ears on salem dispatch

main dispatch feed is rather fuckey

got ears on alt and sherif dispatch

will do

so far nothing about the protest

got some frequencies and callsigns here

if anyone else wants to help monitor the situation

Does anyone have eyes at the scene?

hmm, not hearing anything

can somebody confirm if the situation is still going on? <@&704836168034025512>

figured as such

thanks for the update

what a *clever and funny* username

and that profile pic

using a dead /pol/ meme

pretty low quality

cops tend to remove elements in their gangs that question things

if their members have a sudden moment of empathy then it both makes the rest of them appear as they are

bloodthirsty, and enjoying it

I highly doubt a missile like that would just randomly go off

dude probably was a plant

the account is 3 days old

a little odd

you're always going to get those types with something like this

unfortunate, but expected

there was no way that dude wasn't a troll

the second guy I mean

the nazi was rather funny to watch

trying to use the coded language

"i'm not a nazi, muh national socialism is different"

plus that ideology wiped out some of my ancesters

give some details

with the organiser having some standing with a group like the proud boys, I'd be a little hesitent to show up in force without doing some background research

if you can determine what sort of relationship is there, and if it is there, I guess one could make a descision

but i'm not going to advise support on this one

having eyes on site might be a good idea

though that might mean having some backup close by

or some evac at the least

how we all doing today?

portland has a general tankie slant to it

the media in portland hates anyone who likes liberty and freedom

but most of the people here are indifferent generally

it happens because portland is a place to stage a riot if you're right wing or left wing

I think there's more of us here in oregon then one would think

we're just not too obvious about it

no need to draw attention when we don't need it

like, I just get the feeling from people who are overly open about building ice structure are doing it for attention over principle

ah yeah

It's been a while since I've been out to the coast

I plan on moving down to southern oregon soonish

sorta around medford/ashland area

hell, that sounds like fun

really? damn

so planting in general would be hard to do

there's a campsite that I loved going to when I had the time

soapstone lake

Morning lads, how are we doing?

damn, sucks to hear that. guess you should rest up on that as much as you can

look for anything you think is interesting

might not be on any tour guides, or well known but there's interesting stuff across the state

as for avoiding places, portland offers little outside of strip clubs, meth, and staged protests

I don't know if this channel is the best place to put it, but I highly suggest others to look into Retroshare

the short of it; It's an entirely decentralized network mostly used for secure communications and file sharing

securely encrypted, has tor and i2p protocols

I think we should get a network setup there, much more secure then this place

that is true

I suppose a use for it would be a panic/planning room

or local communications

that's fair, it would be hard to set it up

on a wide scale that is

green tip is generally overpriced, happening or not

what kind are we talking about

because from what I know red tip means tracer

but I know that some manufacturers will color tips whatever color if they have a steel core

if it's ap then there's no difference

do you know the balistic stats of it?

i mean, if you got a rifle for em

run some tests if you do

see how it works for you

going as planned I hope?

getting over some ghost pepper regrets lol

other then that good

I can't understand why people want to eat steak that's brown all the way through

by that point you should just make jerkey

Good evening boys, how we all doing?

discord is one of the most insecure platforms I've ever used

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