
Discord ID: 153356606631968768

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I'm too confused

thats what I think


That's the sorta thing that happens when the left tries to argue

ohh well

life aint flowers and suits

my memes are the perfect flavor of peppery


I'm one of those latex-mask blacks that make the crime-rates invalid


Time to see if their heads can literally explode

I only ever liked peterson because I abstractly think about meta-physics sometimes as well, but politically he's just a leftist, -just- a leftist.

the only reason people like shapiro is his ability to not stutter


There's soo few members in here from Minnesota, I'm originally from Texas

I thought there'd be more MN people in here, many of the prominent talking heads for the alt-right are from MN

including fruity richard spencer

" My home town in Minnesota was overun by somalis " - RS

deepest lore


Atleast the somalis in my area have LEARNED to start tipping their delivery people

For the longest time it was a guaranteed stiff

I have a cali phone number, texas plates, and I live in MN, I've seen it all

san andreas fault more like the san andreas today plz

When you're living poor and stressed you're more likely to live in that sort of good/evil dichotomy mindset.

If someone spit on me I would have given them their immediate family a reason to do so as well, Lol

Hey athiest where will you get your morals? " I'll just know! Ok!? " * watches cnn 4 hours every night "


socal whites whos heads aren't full of cheese are supremely outnumbered

white picket fences keep the evil at bay

dude almost anywhere else in the nations is better than degenerate california

speaking from experience

I think once I'm done paying off my car imma go look for some hardware store out in one of those mid-west fly over towns that needs delivery work done and settle down out in the gun-friendly part of the country

I was thinking like colorado springs or something

gov't isn't nearly as complicit in the social decay as the media

I'll have to give it a demo trial, last time I was over there as A WEE LIDDLE LADDY I about died from allergies

@cyrustheaverage Packing Plaid

what're we doing about this

It's p-bad

I'm surprised nobody is talking about trumps words I linked above

It smells like a boomer wall-of-text nuke incomming

On one hand: Lying fake media other hand: I love isreal

@The Eternal Anglo Don't you mean too smart to lose at chess?


I heard some misguided fellows declaring neech as being some kinda pro-feminist

While a quote of his stated something about keeping a whip handy while working with women

Sadly you have to look to greats in the world of philosophy because it's those few everyone else looks to

People who really know neech is that he was sickly A LOT of the time which was what a lot of his negativity stemmed from

we can certainly see he was valid in being worried about the world post-god

Christianity's biggest flaw is that it promotes atomization


I try not too read too much, I'm overly " inspired " as it is

cenk vs tucker was awful

tucker cucked soo hard

That was the softest I've ever seen tucker

now when people think of rosa parks that they think of colin kaepernick comparing himself to her

now I have to go back and question

maybe she was just an asshole

RIP freedom of association

racist people need access to us for protection

I was talking about rosa parks


Soo fearful of her own kin in the back of the bus they mandated the gov't to buddy up with them at the point of the gun essentially

idk I've never had a female manager that didn't resort to nagging and bossiness

juuust sayin

I haaate that shit

I'm mildly OCD, every little whine goes in a bin that repeats on loop


that was your first mistake

Call the guy making a joke an autist

Hey just a thought for discussion

Kind of hard to have a deep state going with nobody having their nose glued to your phone 24/7

ohh no I meant all of it


you might laugh but we'll be reduced to using snail mail for meetings in the near future or worse

And it might have come across as stupid with me making shit-posty-like comments on the verge of sleep


that's why all my postings are around at 2-4am

Like, consider what the unabomber said, as crazy as it was, in regards to tech and you'll kinda see what I mean

I don't agree with him, but it's happening

their fate will be worse because they aren't even environmentally conscience while being addicted to tech

nah we're giving it access to our THOTS


That sounds like the intro to dune in a sense

humans evolving to having brains that can do calculations at a rate greater than cpu's

well weren't they used to fight the machines though?

I don't remember, that was a very long book.

@Sam Anderson That sounds more like the future domain for celebrities

debates turned into what looks like one 90's CG music video fighting the other

What's an " advanced society "

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