Discord ID: 300455927524360193
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CIA playing dress up maybe.
a few trump rallys looked like green screen to me
but could just be shitty lighting
wish i remembered which one stood out
holy shit check out lin wood parler
I cant get the drop box link tho wtf
omg see the picture of hunter biden on lin woods parler?
look at what lin wrote LMAO
told him to get his teeth fixed for Trump's inauguration
anyone have trumps parler?
little dark
hopefully its a black ops and they going to lock up a bunch of pedos
thats fucked up
these criminals need to be thrown in jail
all of them
they are so rich they dont even need our money
they just want us reliant on them
they control everything
now they are show everyone really how much
this is decent
I have been trying to not read too much into things. you can go crazy.
a lot of Flat eathers here, I recognize many.
I use to do a 24/7 stream
also interviewed mark sargent
I was pretty tight in that circle until i got doxed
yeah left for a few years after
never went back
was friends with patricia
wonder if she is still around
super nice
but i wouldn't pick a side so each side went after me when i started to get popular
I shut everything down and deleted all my content
good times
interesting time
course i figure out how to prove the shape of the earth
its easy
but globebusters and the ballers didnt want to hear it
yeah it doesnt matter
regardless we we have been lied to
Hi every one, crazy day
could just be a red herring
if i was on the run i wouldn't be driving my car
Doesnt that guy admittedly works for the CIA?
Me too
if you zoom in its only in houston
yeah its nothing
fuck it
wonder why concentrated on the south US
i like the "possibly*
hmm not sure what to think about it
looks like they are just taking off, bet that map looks different in an hour
or people
@Big _Dragon_Do_Dat thats the rumor
You guys notice that bitcoin dropped 10k last night.
I wonder why ๐ค
hmm someone post the discord link to 4chan or something
They just bumped the Trump speech up by 2 hours
Trump is going to speak tomorrow from Alamo Texas, its an interesting location pick
That's the type to think being called an Angry Black woman is a compliment.
this week
any protests now are CIA op
Bigger False flag is my guess
@Karnivore you can set the roles so only mods and admins can post to <#697960217593380925>
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