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Well that's off.

Indeed Ilkin.

Well then....

Absolutely and unfortunately.

I also agree.

My church dodges it too.

But it could be a separation of the sheep and goats if you think about it. Those who believe the Word of God are the ones who would stay.

Indeed Ilkin and unfortunately that's so Son Dank.

Yes, but typically there's a vetting process of sorts at least.

I don't. But I'm a military historian.

Indeed. But I do serve in my church.

All the time.

I don't do that.

God bless you. Have fun.

I agree completely.

Back to the point about the sheep and goats. I think there's also a verse in I John that ties in too.

No, but I'm a college student.

Am I possibly the oldest in our conversation right now at just shy 20?

You too and have fun.

Look at the Methodists and Baptists.

Or stay non denom.

God bless you. Have fun.

Nobody but God.

Indeed Ilkin.

Yep. Same Ilkin.

Have fun. God bless you.

@Jenjen @Onespicyboi Y'all want in the other server we started?

Also, Ilkin, we'd enjoy having you in that server too. It's a place of Christ.

Poor phraseology I know.

This server we're in now, yes. The one I just sent the invite to we established.

Have fun Daisy. God bless you.

I don't think any of us have questions at present.

Other than you want in our server?

We started a Christian server external to here.

The link is just a relatively short scroll up.

Or I can resend it.

I've read the book and seen the movie. The book is better.

I'll add you as a friend and you holler whenever you're ready.

I agree. I think it is moreso pointing towards Rome.

You're always welcome to holler at me about Christianity. Note I haven't read the rest of the conversation yet, just your message about being willing to learn.

According to the Bible, as said, the Earth and the fullness thereof was created in six days. As Christians, we believe the Bible to be inspired by God and infallible through His inspiration to the men who wrote it. ZSLiby and Eggy also speak truth. God, in His perfect design of creation could have created everything to already appear to have an age and the starlight already to have traveled the measured distance just like Adam was never created a boy and never had to grow up, but was created a man. Creation with the appearance of a history it never had. Mercy, that's the two great commandments, not the only ones.

No, but to say there are only two is Biblically inaccurate. I take the Bible as presented and neither add nor detract from it.

Are you trying to imply the Bible is outmoded?

Also, liby and furry, either of y'all have any interest in a Christian discord server I've for some strange reason become the leader of? We're a group who follows the Bible as seen.

I completely understand.

I'm about in that boat too.

I came very late to this, but I was at work for much of it. Let me first say that I am a staunch Christian so my points will admittedly be of a Christian bias. Before I begin in depth, let me follow a short philosophical tangent if you so permit. Why wouldn't you want God to exist? Why wouldn't anyone? He sent His Son to die for us so that we could live. Suppose we were arrested for vandalism, or any other crime you can think of, and we had a real hard nosed jury. They sentenced us to death despite it typically not being an excessive punishment. The judgement gets sustained. However, the judge says that he will send his son to the gallows in your stead and all you have to do is believe that he will... and did. There's an analogy to Christianity, and even a light one as there are many sins that aren't crimes by the law we have written. Peak, you have spoken about the burden of proof. Can either side provide it to substantiate their claim well enough to persuade the other side of the aisle? Both sides will see perceived holes in the other that seemingly sink the ship yet both are still afloat. So even while we have some of the burden on us, there's still a heaping bit on you (forgive my Southern mannerisms and speech patterns but I'm from the Deep South).ย  I'm not the best scientist, I'm a historian, so I will likely misstate something but bear with me. To begin with, let's look at the beginning.

(More coming by the way. A link will end it from me.)

I believe that God is the Creator of the universe. However, there are aspects of the big bang I admit are plausible and compatible with Christianity which plays into the time comment made by I believe Jesus Freak. But, speaking of time, what began time? What began space? What began matter? Logically all three have to come into existence at the same time as if you have time, what is happening with that time? What space is that time in? If you have space? What do you put in that space? When do you put something in that space? If you have matter, where do you put it? When do you place it? The Christian perspective is that God always was and is outside time, space, and matter. If you want me to argue how that is, I'll tell you now that I can't. That's something that must be taken on faith (in case I forget to place a story about faith here or a link to the video with that story, yell at me). God, then created all three and we see this in Genesis 1:1. "In the beginning [time], God created the heavens [space] and the Earth [matter]." This can be shown by reading that verse in my opinion as the logically explanation is He did it at once as the Bible doesn't say "and then" to show there was a progression or they were created at separate times. I won't get into the age argument as there are arguments for both sides I can see that supports Christianity, as aforementioned. As far as the big bang itself, the theory supposes the energy has always been there and just in a real tight space (refer above about space) and was dormant until it built up enough energy and expanded at the right time (see above about time). Now, energy is neither created nor destroyed. We agree that is science and pert well proven. Then how was the energy built up to power the big bang? How does that explain the theory of a still expanding universe?

The plethora of galaxies, planets (I'll want to comment on this later too, don't let me forget), and stars? What set off the big bang as all the energy was at rest and we know according to Sir Isaac Newton that objects at rest will stay at rest until an external force acts on it. What then is the external force? Well I assert God. You might ask me to prove that, and I'll point back to prior statements of mine. You might also ask me who created, for your sake and the sake of argument I'll use quotation marks, "God". Well, if He was created, He wouldn't be "God" and whoever created Him would be "God". That is a slippery slope as long as Pi. The Christian stance is that God has always been and always will be and was not created. That makes him, as many have stated throughout history, the "uncaused first cause" necessary for the big bang and arguably evolution, which I will presently dive into.

To preface evolution, let us divide it into macro and micro and define both beginning with micro. Micro evolution, or adaptations to be the definition, is extremely well proven and I do accept so I will not spend time on it. Macro evolution, or the change in kinds/life from non life, I disagree with. To answer your burden of proof argument before we begin, I believe here the burden of proof is in you primarily seeing as evolution on the whole is called the Theory of evolution. Emphasis on theory meaning it is yet to be conclusively proven. You'll respond by saying I can't prove God created it, touche to a point, but that connects to the story I want to tell later. I also refer to my earlier comments on the burden of proof. But for your burden, I want you to show me a change in kinds, not species, but kinds. For instance, I don't want a German Shepherd to a golden retriever, but a cow to a cat. I'll spare you the effort as you can't do it seeing there is no such example.

For the sake of argument, let's presume that man came from apes, which I disagree with, and the evidence is their similarities. Are the "parents" of mankind apes and bananas as half of the human chromosomes match the banana. Of course we didn't come from a banana and you would be hard-pressed to find someone who believes that. Going further, what "created" or "evolved into" the ape or the banana? Going back to the beginning of the theory, all there was in existence was elements. I presume we also all agree elements are lifeless. How then did lifeless elements give rise to life filled single celled organisms much less complex life forms and multi celled organisms?

The Christian answer is that God created life when He brought the necessary pieces together and breathed life into it for God is life. We further see this in Ezekiel 37. For the sake of space and time, I won't quote it here, but I highly recommend reading it. I use the King James Version if you want to follow along exactly how I'm reading and interpreting it. Thus I think I've answered everything discussed, or at least the major points of it, so for that story. For ease, I'll provide the link to the video. You may accept it, though I doubt it.

@Peak Centrism Whenever you are available, also feel free to dm me.

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