Discord ID: 782494125882605619
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Better late than never!
An actual text conversation with a Marine /father/grandfather about this guy.
Put a few masks and adjustments to the RV driver. What do you see?
click on it to increase the size.. Both Bush and Obama era officials will both deny this exclusive😂😄.
Added visuals for my daughters favorite joke at 3 ears old.
Tyler memes disappeared. Too many? Climate going south?
Emoji Will dm admin direct.
# tyler memes dropped off my list. I hit your link and it came back up! Perhaps I’ve dropped too many😅. I have made it into the video a few times now. These are way more fun than work though- Thanks!
I wish this wasn’t true..... U.S. sold 700% more to China this year. WTF USDA?!!!
With the highest respect. Thank you for hosting.
Approaching an isolated customer in retail.
Repost- only days old. I still like.
183 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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