
Discord ID: 338064292102537217

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Why did Trump sign this disaster of a COVID relief bill after he just said it was a disgrace? I feel betrayed.

So, please tell me all of that pork grease is gone by the time he signed the bill?

Yeah, I had a hard time finding out what the revised bill was. And kept getting stale news articles from the first bill

I heard it was $2k?

ok, thanks. Had a hard time searching for it.

If he won't, what other option does Trump have other than crossing that Rubicon?

Just finished watching *The Mandalorian*, both seasons. I enjoyed it. Don't watch much shows or movies these days without all the agendas shoehorning their way into everything.

That turtle needs to be thrown back in the ocean.

Sorry if this has been asked but what sort of recourse do I have about refusing to wear masks in stores? So much confusion out there. Stupid mandates.

@Meryl.140.15 are you having to prove anything?

What if they refuse service despite that?

I've been feeling more and more convicted about not complying to masks. In a doctor's office or clinic? Okay. But not a Target or something

Cuz it's not going to end unless we all stop complying

I'm not going to cause a scene, but if they're ultimately not going to serve me, I'll leave. But it's important that other customers see that

So asinine

I feel bad for parents that are masking their kids for sports. They want their kids to play

As soon as the spell starts to wear off, there will be another one

yeah, I'm back and forth on the mask being the battle I choose. But if not now, when? And if not masks, what? My hill to die on is definitely the vaccine

I'm lucky, my job I can work from home, and instacart groceries. My heart breaks for the people who work retail jobs right now dealing with masks and always rude people

@ray liotta private select LOL yeah, why even bother using words at that point, just pictures. That would be frustrating. I've had just one order get messed up, and it was annoying.

@Vicky I'm not sure what is more frustrating or sad. Dealing with stupid mask mandates or how quickly everyone just went along with it and continue to do so while digging their heels deeper.

My concern is that this is how you transform a society. The masks are the slippery slope into something more dubious and then it's too far gone.

the gov't relequished its power once it saw no more need for it. Said no one ever

truth. The arguments are always just catching or not catching the virus with absolutely no thought into the side effects of mental health or any other facet

they're not made to wear them long periods of time. Even doctors throw them away after each patient they see. And then the cloth diaper variety just is a cesspool for your own bacteria

i heard that when you're not breathing right, your brain gets an axiety response. so it's just a feedback loop of fear

Great points. But what is most effective at fighting back? What can we do if they don't allow us in stores? Isn't that discrimination? What about employers? I'm having to make a judgement call, and I hate that. I think there are enough people that think masks are dumb, but still wear them. Are they weak people? Everyday that goes by, my conviction grows stronger.

The weakest and deadliest argument here is "but it's just masks". That's how a society changes. If we don't push back with the masks, it will just become more difficult later on.

2021-01-20 03:00:51 UTC [Zeducation #๐Ÿ’ฌ๏ฝœgeneral]  

what happen with this server? #latetotheparty

2021-01-20 03:16:40 UTC [Zeducation #๐Ÿ’ฌ๏ฝœgeneral]  

I mean, everyone knew this was coming, right? When, not if.

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