
Discord ID: 229050582894247937

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RIP Kenosha

Yeah he was pretty much backing BLM and throwing our officers under the bus. NG was deployed but I'm not sure how that all worked out... Kenosha is burning, multiple fires business and residential apartments attached to businesses... the main group has split up into smaller groups and they are looting their way West across pleasant prairie now it seems....

I agree, I think we got to that point last month... but here we are. Kenosha was already an older and struggling city. I am very pessimistic about the future of Kenosha... Many businesses won't come back from this and some folks are homeless as of tonight.

The riots ended early apparently thanks to the weather. It's been raining and storming for a bit.

Hopefully the rain helps put out the massive fires going on.

Mother nature, what a tricky wonderful bitch.

I agree @Luckay, its still very scary to watch this all unfold... c.c

Of all the shit going on in Kenosha. This was nice to see. They saved an American Flag from burning up.

Wow, as bad as it sounds this is satisfying to watch. I'm about 30min away from Kenosha, I've been locked and loaded all night.

It's me and my dogs, not taking any chances.

Folks in the rural country do not mess around.

definitely sounds like warning shots

lol true true.

woa, I had to play it again, I think I ended it too soon to hear that. yikes.

amazing 10/10

I actually heard about that on one of the live streams, it was a larping medic, I think I see the little red badge

Just one of the many businesses that burned last night.


Just off the top of my head they burned up a small office furniture store, a mattress store, a second dealership, a tire/auto shop, a parole office and apparently the post office. Many of these were attached to residential apartments.

There were tons of people that came in from Racine, Chicago and Milwaukee. Like someone estimated 2k people from out of town.

I just pray no one was killed in the fires.

They looked really really really bad.

This is a big fire for our little city.

And that is just part of a fire on 22nd st.

After last night I actually ended up buying even more overpriced ammo.

I was just kinda like fuck it, 300% mark up. Fine. I'd rather have extra to spare if I need it.


ok I was about to be that person

is the dog ok?


that is so fucking yikes.

Speaking of legal gun owners


that's pretty amazing

growing up in the midwest I can believe that

I had no clue

I didn't learn until I was an adult c.c

I have a feeling my dad would have taught me if I had shown more of an interest


sorry what would happen if they had a dumbfuck? I'm a little confused 🙃


ah thanks for explaining

ah ok! I see

I only learned to shoot in my 20s and only a handgun c.c

I was horse obsessed. 😖 Pretty much spent all my free time riding and training for that lol. Great life skills as an adult.


rofl why not both

wow lol I had to google fucksaw.

Of course this douche has a manbun.

Protestors: someone call 911 🤣

didn't realize from the date on the tweet c.c

Kenosha Wisconsin Shootings All Angles and Events Leading Up

part 1 looks like it was removed?

whoops forgot I found part 1, audio is shit because its a mirrored copy

2020-08-27 01:27:59 UTC [Zeducation #🤡|political-memes]  


Sex offender for a crime involving a minor.


Ironically he was saying to the group "Shoot me n*gga (soft a), Shoot me."

Is it too soon to make a meme of that?

Asking for a friend.

Classic Napoleon syndrome rofl


2020-08-27 04:55:34 UTC [Zeducation #📰|general-news-chat]  

Just putting this here because I'm genuinely fascinated with how far apart his eyes are and how close together her eyes are....

2020-08-27 04:59:43 UTC [Zeducation #📰|general-news-chat]  


2020-08-27 05:04:17 UTC [Zeducation #📰|general-news-chat]  


both dead guys in 1 photo

I wonder if they knew each other?

2020-08-27 20:08:03 UTC [Zeducation #📣|meme-talk]  


2020-08-31 19:45:56 UTC [Zeducation #🤡|political-memes]  


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