
Discord ID: 669780819748978719

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73+ million Nazi's

It don't matter if a state decides to remove a monument I don't care. i do if a mob tears it down.

Only flag that matters is ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

Comparing anything to Nazis is usually a dumb idea

Give china a few years we might have a comparrison

Because we don't have news

They hate anyone who beats them

They had it everywhere

Trump probably won every state

They know it's real they just hope they can get away with it@Vintage

California Trump won 1% less then Hillary won in 2016

They don't like those fully semi automatic revolver assault rifles

Why do you think democrat states want to legalize everything

That's why

I don't see how seeing weird shit is going to help ptsd

I have ptsd so yes it won't

Biden can concede best thing he can do

Libs are already shattered

Let then burn down their own shit I'm not paying for it though


His plan is launder his Chinese money

Worked at white house when Obuma and bidum were there.

Was checking phones in oval office and there is one in the bathroom in the side room inside. Obuma left a giant turd in the bathroom

How dare you@KermitTheFrog

Greta gonna get you

Need a biden sniffing her

@Austro Hamburger Empire they have to kill all us Nazis first before he gets rid of it

Then stop letting pedos out of jail if we don't kill them

I don't care about covid

If your afraid covid better never leave your house for rest of your life

Driving is more dangerous so better walk everywhere too@Austro Hamburger Empire

There is literally millions of things more dangerous that you don't worry about

He's nothing underage

I know right@BIRdOS

Cars are killing more then covid do you need a source@Austro Hamburger Empire

Sure it is get rid of cars @Austro Hamburger Empire

99% survival rate covid@Austro Hamburger Empire

@Austro Hamburger Empire it's math go look it up lol

I love logic

Guess should shutdown for every virus more deadly then covid then huh@Austro Hamburger Empire

@BIRdOS he didn't like logic lefty detected

@BIRdOS or shutdown the country every flu season

Everything on the interweb is true

Well if biden wins he might ban cars@BIRdOS

If can't post pictures or links can't they just be disabled


It's not a link either duh

@eh โ’ถ the map will look close to that by the end

They don't have time to fix the other ones@eh โ’ถ

@BIRdOS all taxes are theft

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