Austro Hamburger Empire

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I agree with your basic point

@Meryl.140.15 pardon for inquiring, but who are you talking to?

You guys are so dumb lol, trump lost the election

Assad CLEARLY won

The song is actually very fire @Meryl.140.15


Its a joke engineer


Guys I am gonna say the n word: Ni||nj||a


many lols

@Dr. Mathew thats a good one, Ill steal it now lol

It wasnt

still naw my guy

no thanks mate

Hey guys

Does Zed ever talk about how colleges train people to become Marxists?

Do you believe that they do?

If Zed ever DOES talk about it, link him this video if you deem it fit:

This college training commis is a massive myth

People who say colleges are training Marxist are honestly probably more cringe than the commis themselves

Zed honestly is completely wrong about Obama building the cages thing

Yes he built them, but that was because we werent facing a migrant crisis as we are now, trump isnt even trying to improve the living conditions hardly.

@Dr. Mathew Trump didt build them, but hes not trying to improve conditions at all.

Also I need a source for ur second claim


Why isnt there a righties meltdown server?

guys guys guys

wanna hear my theory for putins next land grab?

Not many people know this, but Belaruses president tried to run for russian president and failed. Basically there was a post ussr treary that aimed to put Belarus and Russia in a union gradually, so far the Belarus ~~president ~~ dictator has refused to enact the union. When he kicks the bucket, either politically or literally, I bet putin will put his stooge in power, with nothing stopping him from finally going through will the union plan and essentially annex Belarusia.

If anybody wished, we can share and recommend military literature to each other? :p

Are you actually still talking about Europe

Better image so u can zoom in

Hm really?


I know some good ones

okay, have you read "panzer leader" By Hienz Guderian? Its perhaps one of the best accounts off ww2 right in the front seat.

Atchtung Panzer is obvi extremely important, but its very word heavy if you know what I mean.

Id recommend reading Panzer leader before it

On the other side, "Marshel Of Victory" is the memoir of Zhukov, I havent read it yet but Im very exited for it.

Uncensored version as well

ussr publication was 40k words less due to censorship

Looks very intriguing I must say

I also know a really good one not about war, but modern propaganda, let me find it rly quick

Ah yes, "Age of propaganda, The everyday use and abuse of persuasion" by Anthony Pratkanis. Very timely dont you think?

It does

Aight, cya man

@eh Ⓐ Your prediction is laughable tbh ngl



The death penalty is moraly repugnant, extremely expensive, and doesnt deter crime. Every human being deserves the right to live.

I am new actually as well lads

Dam just realized lol



Thats nice Elle

Wait you can reply

This is too advanced

It doesnt show upp

What is this advance technology


What have you brought upon these lands

These replies are cursed, cease at once


Trump is a goner, just accept it

@john wayne Im just saying, even if there was fraud, it wouldnt be enough

Replies is only for mobile

These fraud law suits are getting shot down

Oh my god guys

This fcking donbass war is never gonna end

Not saying its particularly good, but its better

Lmao remember when Fox defended Neo Nazis?

What is this

@john wayne stand by Ill find it

@john wayne @ethanv2 Kraut explained it in depth. Basically they defend a couple who hold far right views and where denied entry to the UK. Maybe because not just their views, but perhapse they were part of an org *that has carried out terrorist attacks.*

Lmao how can you deny this, fox HAS defended literal nazis

Generation identity is such a joke

Literally neo nazis

And Fox fcking defends them

Video above for context yeah


lol, mate they are as right as can be

And I still dont see how termonalagy is relevant???

What does Lincoln have to do with this

Fox news is honestly a joke at this point, cnn is not good, but fox is worse.

A sht, a lost cause myther

take shelter everyone!

Prague U isnt good and very biased, But there are right there

Man, that is epic my guy


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