Message from @Robert Thunder
Discord ID: 779180346238959626
*Literally the first horse gif
Idk the store was owned by an older woman and it's quite late
The store has a photo of a shop lifter on the front. She supposedly took more than 800 dollars worth of items
At LeAsT sHe HaS iNsUrAnCe
@Robert Thunder rule 15
thats why I deleted it literally 5 seconds after remembering it
do you serious just have nothing better to do than to snipe things like that
cmon man
Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh.
I believe I removed it...
I believe I did
bruh is that mike pences lightning
As an added bonus, you're chatting in that channel too
It's a warning. It is allowed. I don't suggest arguing on this. It is why I brought it here.
I have seen this before, this is the fun part
Whatever dude, if you have nothing better to do for entertainment, i can respect that
Anyways, I just came for the memes
always a dude who wants to reee
bruh moment
I always loved watching incoherent anger get quickly snuffed <:KEK:726877368601411624>
you literally spent probably 1-2 minutes of your life to make that
good job
Shut up coke inhaler
Actually 3 seconds 4 days ago
Nice jab at a roast
coke inhaler, very epic
I want to see that image, but flipped upside down
V a r y e p i c
Now THAT is a cursed image <:KEK:726877368601411624>
Y e s