
Discord ID: 372495224217403402

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yes, i agree your school is retarded

yeah, as was already said, at least it's not teachers making up that crap haha

thats how i see it too, hes no petty, he gives everyone what they want in the end ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

one thing that makes me think that Jesus is the true God is that Christianity is the only religion that has sacrificial atonement, all others say you have to be good enough

given things exist, you can logicaly believe someone made them

ok, everything came from nothing

ok, explain to me how people think everything came to be if nobody made it all?

give me an argument

how did everything come to be if no one made it?

explain pls

better then assuming it just made itself

so give me a better one

I had someone ask me to prove definitivly that God exists today, heres what I said. I can't prove God exists any more than you can prove he doesnt, so dont call me a fool for not proving something you cant disprove

PROVE god doesnt exist, burden of proof is on you bro

the obligation to prove your assertion, your assertion is that god does not exist. so prove it

if a book exists, then there was an author, if a cow exists, there was a mother cow, if the earth exists, there was a creator. logic

unless one person made them both...

yup, thats always how i put it

someday we will all be dead and know for sure who was right

i just wonder where the something before the everything came from

kinda sums up the whole evolution argument lol

if there was nothing, were did everything spontaniously come from? how did it violate newtons law which says that without outside interference nothing moves on its own? how did it then spontaniously creat everything from the nothing which it is?

so do most athiests beleive that something started evolution? something other than nothing that is?

another way of saying i dont want to acckowledge the flaw in my reasoning

not the not knowing, the part about nothing spontaniously making everythin out of nothing

so something started evolution

i mean, athiests call us idiots for beleiving in God

we all believe stuff with no proof

like the big bang theory

hey, thats a good place to start

best thing i've seen the whole discussion

Ey! whats up eggy?

also, it didnt happen spontaniously in a lab setting, someone started it

he has a point tho...

if you could refute your point then its a flawed point isnt it?

but your making a positive argument in favor of your negative

but you then claim evolution

you must prove evolution

we have engaged you... i've been here for a log time being berated for not proving that god exists XD

thank you ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

I'll leave yall with this, this is my bottom line. I cant prove that God exists, but i like what 1st Peter 1 says. "Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy, for you are receiving the end result of your faith, the salvation of your souls." this is why we all believe what we do here.

I bid you all farewell for now and have a good night for those of you for whom it is night/evening

I think thats why there was a progression in the miracles Moses used, cause Pharo didn't believe in the earlier ones which his wizzards could also do, but eventualy they couldnt compete. also I agree with Mrs. Doyle, those kinds of wizzards probably use demonic power

good idea ๐Ÿ‘

i wouldnt recomend those liberal churches, the progressive christianity is not christianity at all, its self worship under the guise of christ worship

I mean, I'd say go to church, lay your life out to Jesus, submit to him and He will lay his will out for you

I personaly belive that if you are of the male variety of human then thats what God intended for you, you may think differently but if you truely give yourself to Christ he will tell you whats up

of course that is a real thing, I belive whole heartedly that Jesus can help you with that as well!

yeah but you dont seem like your typical leftist "there are no genders" type of lgbt

just the fact that you used gender dysphoria makes my think you'r different

dont get me wrong, i'm not gonna tell a schytzophrenic that the radio IS talking to them, I also don't really like the idea of breaking down gender in the way the left does today... that said, i understand the condition and do belive that Jesus is more powerful than it

Thats a great testimony

Actually the other guy said that :p

You too! If itโ€™s ok Iโ€™ll be praying for you, keep up your relationship with Jesus, follow his word, and wether in this world or the next, He will make us all new and perfect

Actually I worded that badly. In the next world heโ€™ll perfect us, not this one

But hey! Thats just as good right?

well, i think that gay marriage is different from actually having gender dysphoria

while it may be true that some people have more natural inclinations towards the same sex that does not mean the act itself is not a sin. i think you can feel attractions towards the same sex without acting on them and it not be a sin unless you start lusting, same with opposite sex attraction

yeah, jesus says that even looking with lust would be adultury in the heart, that speaking of lust though, not just attraction. like if i see an attractive girl and think "hmm she's good looking" thats not sin, but when i get lustfull sexual thoughts then its a problem

lol you beat me to it

alright ๐Ÿ‘

quite right

thats kinda sexist ngl

hey even if we don't, i hear we'll have a lot of time to get to know eachother ๐Ÿ˜‰

just saying, many adults these days are kinda stupid and i know of a whole sect of Christians that would believe just that if they saw you dress as a demon :p

to their credit, those people have less of a chance to fall to glorification of evil

i personaly don't think that dressing up for halloween is evil. if you fill a pumpkin with human kidneys though...

you're suposed to take the guts OUT of the pumpkin, not put them in

given that that stuff probably does happen somewhere on that day, don't see how that makes it a speficaly evil day

i mean, people do bad things every day, i dont say "well today is an evil day cause some dummy did a bad thing on it

lol yep :p

aight, im off to bed

night fellow jesus freaks

hey. no more inciting erections XD

i just wonder, if we could save ourselves, why did Jesus have to die?

thats a great way to put it!

i found an interesting principle while reading my bible and thats that before we are saved we have to follow the 10 commandments, but when we get saved we GET to follow the law. sometimes it feels like some Christians make it sound like the law is bad but technically its the way God wants us to live our lives so it must be the best way to live. just my thoughts on the subject of works in regards to faith

yeah, and the rules are good, we just don't see it that way sometimes :/

anyone here play any instruments?

what do you play?

yeah, Matthew 1 gives the full genealogy all the way from Adam iirc

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