Evelyn S. 🇺🇸

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That’s exciting!

Where is it going to be?

Geez, you guys are prepared

I only have a 1 tb

Then again, I’m only 19


I only have one computer because I’m young and poor, but I only need one for my job and hobbies

I love my computer even though the screen is busted and my favorite program decided to stop working

I’m better at software than hardware

I accidentally fried my old phone when attempting to replace the screen, so....

I have a lot of friends who do that and I’m intrigued every time they talk about it

I forgot to disconnect the battery

At least I’m assuming that was the cause because it would never turn back on again

And the last time I replaced a phone screen I disconnected the battery and it worked just fine when I reconnected it

I use my computer for my work (I run social media for different companies/services and also am starting an online T-shirt business) and my hobbies include writing, drawing, animating, gaming, and whatever else I feel like doing on a computer

But man, that’s definitely a fancy computer

If you’re interested, I could DM you our website

Lol well we can definitely help with that

We help companies with websites as well as social media

Nice, I love how smooth the linework is

WIP of Indiana Jones



there was a challenge to draw spongebob with a different face and i'm very proud of my version


Already on it



I love it

Lol I posted the spongebob pic on my instagram and my grandma was the only one who liked it thus far

My friend is trying to convince me to watch that

I don’t know if this is the right channel for this, but my roommates for college just moved in yesterday and were all talking about how the numbers from covid were conflated and they all said it was all political
idk that just made me happy because I didn’t even have to prompt the conversation or anything
Most college students are brainwashed, but there are still a few who aren’t. There’s still some hope for the current generation

Don’t ask for context because I don’t have any


i’m glad you are all praising this legendary beast

If you make the time to just do it, you’ll be surprised with what you can do

And it doesn’t have to be expensive either, all my drawing programs are free and my drawing tablet cost $25 but I used to draw with my mouse and trackpad before I got it

> People forget that you also need talent. You can draw your hands off every day for decades, but if you don't have a talent for it, you're only going to get to a certain point and plateau.
@DishonoredRonin Talent *does* contribute a little bit but if you are drawing your hands off everyday for decades and you aren’t getting past that plateau, then you’re doing something wrong. I’m not a big fan of art classes, at least not the ones I took, because they ironically stifle your creativity. Sure, there’s a lot you can learn from them but at some point you want to stop drawing still lifes (unless your goal is to draw still lifes) and start drawing what *you* want to draw. I learned to draw by buying books and watching tutorials and never stopping even when I stank really bad

Dragon doodle I did today


@MomentumZero <#726922172106539140> I was driving through Utah a month ago, saw that exact sign, and had that exact question

Thank you

do you guys like my new wall decoration


I’m so saaaaaaad my YAF chapter is down this semester (MLI is an organization that runs a lot of similar organizations like Turning Point USA, etc. because the college has a strict no political clubs on campus policy, even though they’re in general more conservative than most of the schools in the country)


I don’t get the joke


I felt super proud because every time they taught a new fact about Greek Mythology I was like “i already knew that” and gave 14 year old me a sense of superiority

I read the first Magnus Chase book and know a lot of early American history and so when Hel was teaching Magnus about Bunker Hill and he didn’t know anything about it I was like “what the flip, Magnus! You’ve lived in flippin’ Boston your entire life, didn’t you ever go to historic sites and read the signs?”

I could have sworn I remembered him living in Boston before he was homeless

It’s also been a few years and I never finished the series

this channel is for art, not for photos of Nancy Pelosi

in all seriousness though, this is beautiful

Setting: Wilderness First Aid Class
We just come out of the classroom after watching first aid videos and are going outside to apply the skills. Some of us take off masks/shields.
Dude with mask, looking at dude with no mask: “You have to put a mask on”
Dude w/o mask: “But we’re outside”
Dude w/ mask: “The county just mandated masks outside with large groups of other people”
Dude w/o mask: “Yeah, but how are they even going to enforce that?”
Dude w/ mask (in a pretentious college student voice): “They count on the university to enforce it”
Dude w/o mask: “Then I guess I’ll just do this whenever they come by”
Dude w/o mask: flippin’ jumps backwards five feet away from the group without looking behind him

Doesn’t put on mask


sketch of a character from a story I’d like to turn into a TV show one day drawn on notebook paper during class


doodle i did on my phone screen


thank you

@Armenelos lol I’m glad you like it

Oooo nice

i was practicing drawing people and ended up drawing two characters from a Stranger Things-esque TV show idea I’d love to make in the future


thank you

Nice linework

My friends were trying to introduce me to anime and were complaining about how this one studio kept making the characters look almost like stick figures so I drew them a helpful rendition of what that studio’s art will look like in 10 years


Dang I strive to be as prepared as everyone in this channel

I only have very basic stuff, only a 72 hour kit rather than a bugout bag

But that’s why I’m studying Recreation Management in college. It’s widely free of liberal bias (especially in my relatively conservative college) and I get to learn about wilderness survival


I really enjoy it

I considered transferring to BYU but it’s too bug city for me and I feel like it’s going downhill

Yooooo I didn’t expect so many BYU people here

According to google, it’s 8 drops of bleach per gallon of water

This is my 72 hour kit


It’s not very big but I’m glad I have it

That waterproof container is chock full of cliff bars and it also has dryer lint, matches, and water purification tablets

It’s mostly for wilderness survival rather than urban survival because I put it together for my wilderness survival class

@ErrantBelle <#724105162741907467> if this is actually true, it makes me really mad. I used to live in NH, and it’s generally pretty conservative. I was surprised when it was blue, but my mom (I was only 16 during the last election and definitely wasn’t as in tune to politics as I am now) pointed out that a bunch of Massholes ruin Massachusetts then go to New Hampshire and vote the same things that made them leave in the first place! It’s similar to what Californians do when they leave Cali.
I haven’t been back to New Hampshire in years, but it makes me sad thinking about how overrun they’re getting from all the liberal states surrounding them
All I can hope is that the state motto “Live Free or Die” stays strong

Dang, thanks for the link, I’ll look over that
And sadly, I agree with you :/ NH is definitely a target for fraud

I love Avatar, it’s really good

Oooo I love Wendigos

Just got some food storage this week. Not a ton, but I’m getting it little by little

@Soulman <#733948098694348800> I that whole account is satire, but we’ve reached the point that we can’t even tell anymore, lol

@NiceMarmot14 <#726922172106539140> That’s insane! Do you have the link?

@CoolGuard Your story made my day

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