Evelyn S. 🇺🇸

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All we needed to disband Antifa and BLM was Kevin from Home Alone

boy, wait until you hear about the crushing pressure of communism
(also, learn how to spell)


Excuse me while I grab some popcorn 🍿

Ayyyyyyy 2001: A Space Odyssey is my favorite movie, I’m so happy someone even knows it exists, lol
Interstellar is very high on my list too, but I’d have to say that Jurassic Park and Back the Future are numbers 2 and 3

Here’s a picture of a fox I did



If anyone is losing hope in all of humanity, I want to tell you an experience at my American Foundations class at college. Our professor, with absolutely no bias, told us to research everything we could about the Electoral College and decide if we need to abolish or keep it.
After a few days of research, he asked our class to raise their hands if we wanted to keep the Electoral College and I kid you not, every person raised their hands

They are few and far between, but there exist a few universities where brainwashing doesn’t occur

@Mauler <#724106950018596964> They’re seriously going after dinosaur statues? Is that real? If it is, I don’t even know why I’m surprised. Everyone knows the dilophosaurus was a friggin’ racist

I can’t wait for watching Jurassic Park to be considered a hate crime

A black guy dies

The jokes in this channel may not be comedy gold but they sure are comedy copper

Wait, which character in Mulan is bi?

Oh, is the live action one already out?

I bet it’s dumb

work in progress of my digital painting of the man the myth the legend Indiana Jones


I have a dangerous addiction where I watch movies that I know are going to suck and I know that I’m going to wish I had never seen them but then I do because I’m curious about how they suck and I keep hoping my expectations are too low but nope they are usually on par and I always wish I could burn up my eyes while watching them

and then i do it again

I will have to check that out

That actually sounds hilarious

Gun laws be like


Yeah it is

Great job

Oo pretty

google the fresno nightcrawler... and suddenly this image will make sense


I can’t believe this is a real cryptid

Imagine this thing breakdancing towards you at a frightening speed

I’ve had the sudden urge to draw cryptids recently, so enjoy this picture of the Wendigo



Yeah, but some people consider it a cryptid

What on earth did I stumble upon today


Bigfoot is in a lot of Native American legends as well

I’m writing a short story with a crap ton of mythical creatures and cryptids in it, most which stem from Native American legends and I keep wondering how many people are going to accuse me of cultural appropriation

Also, I think I have more Native American blood than Elizabeth Warren so maybe I can use that to my advantage

My grandma did some family history and said it was very possible Pocahontas was our ancestor

I had another ancestor, who was white, who adopted an Indian girl who was going to be murdered by a neighboring tribe, so I’ll bring that up if lefties get mad

Yeah, the real one

All we need now is definitive proof so I can rub it in Elizabeth Warren’s face



We should have listened to George Washington


Link ‘cause I’m obsessed with the Legend of Zelda


Anyone have a good article explaining why Trump is banning TikTok and about China stealing data?

👌 sweet, thanks. I have a friend who loves TikTok but doesn’t like Trump and I’m trying to explain the situation to her

I think I’m finding some articles

Does anyone know if walmart stopped requiring masks? I went today and there were a lot of people not wearing them. It was awesome

Oh, I see


@SumFarmerDude <#707963490526298112> I saw that exact issue today in the Walmart checkout section

Who even reads them XD?

I was scared when I saw Skynet

I'm still scared

You know, it’s at times like these that I’m glad my most favorite movie isn’t unknown

There’s like three women in it total, and they only show up for like two seconds total and not in positions of power, two of them serve food to a man -gasp!-

2001: A Space Odyssey

Most of the movie is a male computer and two white men

Not to mention the evil computer is black! How racist!

Anyway, I’m glad they haven’t SJWed it

-gasp- don’t you *dare* say that!

SJWs wouldn’t even make it to the end of the movie

They’d probably try to make Frank and Dave gay... or Dave and HAL gay... just thinking about that makes me want to puke

There’s a certain feeling to SJW approved content, that feeling is cringe in the first five seconds

I was talking to my friend about Epstein and Maxwell and she hadn’t hear ANY of it and was really intrigued
Then I mentioned Trump and then she said in the most condescending voice “You *do* realize that Trump is a pedophile, right? Like it’s proven?”
And I was like “Where? Give me specific examples.”
And she said “Well... I don’t really know, it’s just what I heard.”
And I was like “Where?”
And completely serious she responds “TikTok.”

Anyway, I haven’t dropped her as a friend because she has a kind heart and she’s been brainwashed by the media. I’ve been able to change her mind about a lot of things

But dang, I was like why on earth would you get your news from *TikTok*

2010: The Year We Make Contact is probably my most favorite sequel to anything ever

That was awesome!

There are four books, but the last two were lame because there were no conflict

I don’t feel like the second one was feministic or anything

Oh I gotcha XD

Yeah, lol

I mean, it was released like 18 years after the first so that’s really quite a miracle in cinematic history that it wasn’t woke/cringe

I found this gem I drew for the Forth of July when I was sixteen and I am proud


Who is this man? What is his story? Why does he look so sad?
What started out as a random doodle made me want to create a new character


Wait, MUSHU ISN’T IN THE NEW MULAN? I had low expectations, but holy crap

Is that photoshopped?

Dang that’s depressing


I am so sorry


Oh that’s even worse

That’s honestly my greatest fear so I always back up everything before doing anything major at all to my operating system

Oh no

Gosh that’s awful

Well that’s a relief

Or at least store them online somewhere

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