
Discord ID: 254449173242314754

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Anyone got a drinking game for tonight?

Anyone got a debate drinking game?

People really gotta quit postin that same one of Biden with the phone and atrump dancing. Its posted at least twice a day

Is there a section on here for electoral prediction maps?

> It just updated
@King Crimson can you link me to that please

Thank you

2003 with a 6.0. Had it for 6 years now

Id count it

Just as athletic as any other sport

@cooldude123 thanks, its came a long way since I bought it, worked my ass off to get it where its at

Its sittin at about 360 hp. Cold air intake, throttle body spacers, just simple stuff done to it

Anyone a Corvette fan?

Ive got a 1984 C4 project

Looks nice man, what year is that?

Okay general, question, if you had to pick a Democrat to vote for, who would it be and why?

Yeah, I meant living, and I would go for Yang as well, the dude has said some stupid shit but he means well, I agree with some of what he stands for

If you absolutely had to

Anyone live in Kentucky and have to deal with our stupid ass governor?

Yeah Cuomo is worse but Andy BeShear is still pretty damn bad

I still dont understand how Kentucky elected a democrat governor though, no offense redpipola but its kind of a given that NY will have a democract governor

But Kentucky??? Really???

All but Fayette and Jefforson county

Yes he is, completely

I agree

So whats the deal with Rudy and co distancing themselves from her?

Sidney Powell

I agree, thats why Rudy distancing the Trump campaign from her puzzles me

RIP Brodie Lee

For what?

Everyone listen @Illuminattor is using fake accounts to like is own comments. Beware of this account!!!!!

Mods please look into @Illuminattor he has 4 accounts here and is reacting to his own posts! Dangerous account!

Anyone know when I will get the $600 stimulis? Really needing it right now lol

No kidding man, in between jobs, getting my insurance license and everything shut down so I cant take my finals yet

Anyone else locked out of Parler

Think it got banned

Anyone have the picture of Obama with his friend "Michael"? I need it

Former WWE superstar Val Venis posted evidence of Hunter Biden molesting children and Malia Obama snorting cocaine and got blocked

42 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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