Message from @IceColdSweetT
Discord ID: 780762273811267584
if you watch a biden speech on youtube your social credit goes up 1 point, then you might get a UBI raise
Do you know the robot from fallout that killes comunist Chinees
You get more potatoes
How do Chinese parents decide a name for their children?
They throw a coin on the ground.
Just one more potato in your plate
No it’s a frypan
Anyone live in Kentucky and have to deal with our stupid ass governor?
You’re saying that but I have to deal with cuomo
Aka, entitled New Yorker
Savior of the world
Who knows what’s best for us
watch a Zeducation video -10 social credit points
Yeah Cuomo is worse but Andy BeShear is still pretty damn bad
Cuomo doesn’t want the vaccine because of trump and the left here are celebrating when they want to Coronavirus to cease
fun fact crocked Australian politician actually sold our most northern port to a Chinese company on a 99 year deal and when he was sacked out of politics and fine couple million he was then the manager of the port
It’s a fucking hivemind, they’re insane
They can’t think rationally for themselves
And we only in the 3rd year
I still dont understand how Kentucky elected a democrat governor though, no offense redpipola but its kind of a given that NY will have a democract governor
I don't understand
They want a vaccine
But not from Trump
Wasn’t Kentucky all red
No Oklahoma was
All but Fayette and Jefforson county
Kentucky will literally never elect a democrat governor again
He's an idiot
Yes he is, completely
Just like wolf in PA
He'll be voted out so fast
I agree
It’s probably rigged
Kentucky is very Republican
He and his boyfriend banned alcohol for Thanksgiving. Like what?!
Well I think
And when sidney powell tries to expose it the world goes crazy
Sidney Powell will release the kraken