Sackboy de Waffen SS

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@Froski sorry

Didn't know there was a filter

Yeah I have read them, maybe I just forgot about that bit

Brb I'll read them again

@Comrade Doggo spongebob liked pink floyd


Yeah I said the n word but replaced the g's with 🅱's instear


I'm gonna try joining the okbr server again, good comedy in there

Based af people in there too

i'm only old enough to use discord


Dang it.

what staff?

people deleted my milk picture smh @Comrade Doggo


Why you talking bout that bro?


Cya man

Cya later blu

Most of my friends did at that age

Alright I'll stop pushing thag


@Deleted User Walter White looking mf

Intimidation is your power

I need an invite link

Holy shit they're fucking delusional


A virgin version of the virus

ww2 soldiers:

the rules mention certain things about nazis

Should I change my username?

Yeah, and women, not exactly want to be controlled, but do indeed want someone strong to look up to and admire. That doesn't mean they are below their couple however. Thanks at least for remaining polite in here tho, I'm going to suppose you are left wing lenient.

Oh damn!

right back at ya
Edit: I don't intend to offend you

@KittyTheBitty ayo try not to escalate that's all I'm gonna say

A while ago I talked about masks. They are mostly useless indeed, what they do prevent is us having to wear gloves and trying to not touch anything. The real danger is aerosols; small saliva drops with a size of <100nm, that stay in the air, and contain many coronaviru (ses) (covid 19's?).

This means different things such as social distancing, and keeping windows open should at all times be respected. I had to study all this stuff for PE. Masks are indeed borderline useless, other safety measures are not.

yo oppenheimer, destroyer of worlds, did you see my message on covid 19 and masks? @Smash Boy how's the bomb going btw?

Dude, try to avoid insults

lmao that's fucken curseddddd



it's a joke

I thought you were going to say Joe Rogan instead lol

@redpipola I'm actually listening to one of his podcasts rn, want some popcorn?

Messerschmitt BF-109 K-4 cuts it for me

Reminds me of chameleon girls

They're a thing

Kinda dangerous too.

holy shit this chocolate yoghurt is fucking amazing


if you guys can see this react to it, it's a test

@hyperiacob why aren't you getting it?



oh shit

wasn't göring kind of an idiot?

The general of the luftwaffe

Erwin Rommel did good tho

And Russians were fucking raping pieces of shit

What about Himler?

Don't know jack shit about him

Would like to investigate it more however

I'm european

Jk I'm venezuelan, no food gang

Spain is wayyyy too left wing and their own left wing voters are complaining our president, Pedro Sanchez, is an idiot. Suits them right.

Never again (this is some Killzone 2 shit) am I ever voting left wing again after leaving Venezuela. It was a wake up call.

Never have I ever voted left either


My parents and grandparents are european however

Denmark stuff, found out a month ago I own a chunk of a castle in copenhagen


A chunk, idk how much

Lol I was rich in venezuela and here in Spain I haven't had breakfast in 3 weeks 🤙

My father graduated as a civil engineer. Not saying this because he's my father, but he's a fucking chad.

He graduated when venezuela was pretty rich. He himself became rich but worked his ass off hard. That brought issues, like for example, my dad and I didn't do much together. That doesn't mean however that I lacked love. We weren't really able to use the money much, because even though it was a lot, you legit couldn't get out of your house; shit's too unsafe. Venezuela might be beautiful at times but it's a goddamned hellhole, believe me. If we had migrated a month earlier (before the massive inflation explosion of 2017) we probably wouldn't be struggling not even nearly as much economically as we are now. The economic change we've experienced is massive.

I haven't played fallout in a month <:KEK:726877368601411624> <:KEK:726877368601411624> @Mcgoober

I was expelled from high school just because, there's no proof of me doing what I was expelled for and everyone in my class was defending me. Later my father was sent a legal document where the principal had the balls to say that I admitted to having thrown things through the window. My father swallowed the bullshit and got mad with me, my classmates came to my home (they're the nicest people ever) and proved that I had done nothing wrong. We're considering sueing the high school. Keep in mind it's public and the Spanish govt is left wing. Of course they'll lie about me, this is some Stalin shit going on here.

haven't played fallout because I was grounded

forgot to add that

don't worry

ik don't worry



Shitty country imo, the people are very nice however


It's in the border of third world I'd say

Yea, Spanish people are quite talkative.

Bro I don't know jack shit about him a side from the fact I played Cara al Sol in my flute in the breaks

People laughed their asses off

@VulpesVulpes how's caesar doing


Courier has no balls compared to Caesar



Name checks out


bruh what about physics I love those

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