Sackboy de Waffen SS

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it's like studying your countrie's language

@Comrade Doggo you're right

but like why should I study Spanish if I talk it every single fucking day

What's the point of learning the preterito pluscuamperfecto of a verb


Aight that's different

What I have realized is that studying your natal language in a foreign country is easy af

You said wait three times

I'm flunking Spanish and it's my natal language @Comrade Doggo

I'm getting 5's out of 10

The issue with Spanish here in Spain it's that the professors give questions that are wayyyyy too subjective at times

¶]=` OMG DOG

@Comrade Doggo even aero spacial engineers don't deal with it

But I'm guessing they teach space-time so that people know rockets don't fly straight to the moon or another planet and have to engage in orbital mechanics.



Just why

My grandpa was a general in the air force so my father went to a military university or somth like that

Shame we don't have none of those where I live

So either I go to the army or become an aeronautic engineer

any of you interested in road cycling?

there's no way


Yeah that's right sadly, the road cycling is filled to the brim with them. Why make cycling about politics? It's a beautiful sport that shouldn't have to do nothing with it.

For example, the road cycling subreddit has or had a pinned post about BLM, antifa, why should we support it and all that propaganda. Like bro, fuck off, idc about BLM I care about aero, weight, frame sets, etc. @Sentinel Creed

And let's not talk about the male silent Hill community, please...

Female fans of silent hill are absolute sweethearts tho

guys what can I do if my school scores are not high enough to get into college

not my case but I wanna know*


But I want a be an engineer

Want to be*

Black people

Just call em that

My best friends are black and they fucking hate to be called of colour

It really triggers them

It's like people don't wanna acknowledge what they really are

bruh I'll agree, I'm Latin myself and I hate to be called that bs name

The culture appropriation thing is stupid, if Americans want to appropriate Venezuelan culture I'd be proud, not annoyed


Ehhh more like sniffthekids


anyway, opinoons on waelter white and jedse?


which is racist

I see people as people dammit

Not people as white or black

Or tan

bruh fallout New Vegas is more based than call of duty mw1, change my mind @Comrade Doggo

the fallout community is filled with soyboys tho

Idk but it's useful

In the very least

bruh I can calculate the ∆v required to get from LEO to moon orbit

and then the ∆v required to land

bitch please

I bet your rockets would have a twr of 3 @Comrade Doggo

Shit ain't gettin nowhere if it blows up in the atmosphere cheems

ESA masterace tho

Lmao no one knows about the ESA

Basically European NASA

@nadrud don't care, still getting my engineering degree

Wait wait

100 hours?

Bitch my fallout play throughs are longer

fuck it I'm joining the army


The Spanish army?

Fuck thay

Engineering instead

Me too

guys one thing

I almost know rocket science in it's entirety and I haven't finished the Spanish equivalent of middle school, can I join NASA already?

Asking for a friend

pip boy

Oh I was called a racist by 20 bitches a year older than me at my school

Calling em bitches because they are

It's kind of a long story

Opinions on airsoft?

specially the part where you shoot other people @Comrade Doggo

I'm gonna take it out of context and post in on Twitter. You're canceled babe! Hope you have a nice day. ;)

Have a nice day.


that's the shit they always do

passive aggressive mf's


you there?


ah aight aight bro you scared me

Oh I'd love to sing certain German songs.

Talking about spicu


And he or she actually banned me from the okbr server when I brought up some good points about an argument we had and how he/she was a hypocrite

Oh should I delete that?

Idk if it's against the rules, sorry if it is

bro Spongebob is a pink Floyd listener

No fucking way


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