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2020-11-12 19:09:55 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> True, but could have the alternative where they do have wealth e.g. like this divorce style culture now
@Dark that's true. you'd have to marry well, though. the twist here is people are saying marriage and having a husband is not independent woman lifestyle, so a lot of them just don't marry or ask the boyfriend to pitch in

2020-11-12 19:10:58 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> But they are anomalies
@Draconem_Dominus very true. sometimes if the 1-parent household has a lot of kids, the kids tend to start taken on parental roles, too.

2020-11-12 19:13:02 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I think JP does a really good chat on that too where he talks about how the dad is usually rough housing etc. which is this hugely important development aspect
@Dark yeah. and, also, the dad is usually the one teaching all the handy skills. there are women out there who knows how to work mechanics etc. but it's usually the men that teach the kids tricks to get by life

2020-11-12 19:14:02 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> my mom had a baby with her bf and he doesn't live with us so its mostly me and mom who take care of him
@Rhyean hey, good on you, buddy. kudos to you for helping your mum out

2020-11-12 19:17:33 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> We’re white we supposed to have two kids and a dog not seven
@Draconem_Dominusi have to laugh so much at this 😂 why do all north americans (no matter the race) owns so much dogs

2020-11-12 19:19:11 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> id rather have a cat than a dog lmao
@Rhyean more love to cats, tbh. this is cat-discrimination. such a disgrace

2020-11-12 19:19:52 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

i've no dog, but we've a fish and we once have a river shrimp as our pet once

2020-11-12 19:20:46 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Fish are cool yeah expensive though need all that equipment lol
@Dark it's a fighter fish. the thing don't talk much

2020-11-12 19:20:56 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Dogs are also super easy, "feed, water, let outside"

2020-11-12 19:21:23 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Much easier pet than fish ngl
@Draconem_Dominus my current fish and the ex-alive shrimp hate me

2020-11-12 19:22:06 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> With fish you gotta water change, gravel vacuum, feed, lights, filter, etc
@Draconem_Dominus depends on the type of fish. we've fighter fish. it just swim around. dragon fish may requires more, though, that's true

2020-11-12 19:22:29 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I like cats better only bc they take care of themselves really, and if they need something they will let you know loudly
@Draconem_Dominus i heard stories of dogs also letting you know stuffs very loudly

2020-11-12 19:22:50 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Standard obviously
@Draconem_Dominus i never like people who own chihuahua

2020-11-12 19:24:02 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I have a chihuahua
@Draconem_Dominus damn it. you're untrustworthy in real life

2020-11-12 19:24:50 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

imma go ahead and expose myself as unknowledgeable about dogs. but. they are all dogs, guys.

2020-11-12 19:32:44 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> like 1% of twitter and like crazy 'protesters' are like defund police and you're like "Woo this is our NEW BASE!"
@Dark the fact that there are (supposedly) 75M people voted to support this is concerning

2020-11-12 19:34:03 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> They need to all be shipped to the same democratic shithole
@Draconem_Dominus ship them to CHYNA instead. save the Chinese citizens while helping these crazy people achieving their dreams

2020-11-12 19:36:10 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> like they actually even in say an email, studies found they will "dumb down" their emails if audience is say minority

2020-11-12 19:36:42 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Who are the racists again
@Draconem_Dominus hahahaha obviously. if they dumb down their speech it's affirmative action, not racism

2020-11-12 19:38:46 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

^^^ good for you. i was very woke back in grade 3-5

2020-11-12 19:39:58 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Beyond like just words, was always right-leaning
@Dark i encountered both right and left leaning, but i think there is a certain kind of looking-down my friends have to me when we start treading into politics because they think i'm uneducated, even once i laid out my case

2020-11-12 19:43:45 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> But you're right it's just a generalization
@Dark yeah. most people are pretty chill. i don't think i've ever encounter crazy people (i just think they really sincerely think their beliefs is good and kind)

2020-11-12 19:45:07 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> "I don't care if there is fraud, there always is"
@Dark yeah. that's why we also shouldn't have any laws at all. who cares about crimes

2020-11-12 19:45:21 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Dems 2016: election is rigged there was interference
> Dems 2020: election? Rigged? Whaaaaat? No way! Lulz cope

2020-11-12 19:46:06 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> the key differnce is in 2016 the dems had enough subsantial evidence for an investigatiom
@chaz a kind reminder: an investigation was brought up by "hearsay" of a person who wasn't even on the Ukraine call, which then turned out to be a set-up

2020-11-12 19:47:18 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto Yeah and they'll be like "why build a wall if it won't stop 100%?" I'm like it will stop some.... should we always be all or nothing lol?
@Dark lmao! i'm surprised that that's even a good argument. like, Find me something that works 100%???? It's IMPOSSIBLE. But we want high efficiency. The walls are helping with that

2020-11-12 19:49:24 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> yeas, when someone has subatial evidence for an investigation, an investigation is valid.
@chaz yeah. which is why a lot of people think it's weird many biden-voters say "there's no voter fraud. don't even bother looking"

2020-11-12 19:53:42 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto well looking and full scale investigation are different, look all you want, but he needs more evidence for a full scale investigation.
@chaz no. i mean as in people actually are oppose to a full-scale investigation. he filed a lawsuit and 11K people had came forward with voter fraud claims. I think it's something worth investigating or at least looking into, no?

2020-11-12 19:59:18 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

^^^ people are upset that there are fishy things happening but seemingly all the media is determine no action is taken to clear it up

2020-11-12 20:05:06 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

why was there a hockey image for "sycophants" lmao

2020-11-12 20:09:29 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Because screw Canada?
@mathgrant nah. canadians are getting screwed over by Chyna and our own PM

2020-11-12 21:21:02 UTC [Zeducation #🤡|political-news]  

i don't know if anybody had shared the link to the official affidavit Trump filed, but here you go

2020-11-13 00:19:45 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

The worst part about this exchange is Vaush's fans will say this is taken out of context

2020-11-13 14:21:53 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Trump is too incompetent to be Hitler.
@米饭和面条 I'm pretty sure you dont usually decide to become a fascist leader after 70 years of being a billionaire and the CEO of a company

2020-11-13 14:49:23 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto oh but Trump is racist. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. HITLER WAS TOO.
@DJ Sullivan J.D *looks at literally a mountain of pictures trump took with black leaders* oh yes. Definitely a racist

2020-11-13 15:13:04 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Some idiot on a different server said biden was “an angel compared to trump”
@Bee i actually met a guy that said biden is the lesser of two evil. and the man is over 40 but followed 0 politics until Trump came around, and also dismissed all the scandals against Biden as "conspiracy theory" but somehow very keen on every mistake Trump made. So, yeah, there are dumb people

2020-11-13 15:15:47 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I couldve given him so many more video evidences of biden being an idiot

2020-11-13 15:17:01 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> ugh of course bidens voter fraud is a “conspiracy theory” but trumps “colluding with russia” wasnt.
@Bee bruh. the guy was literally telling me Mexico is a bad country, Russia is a terrible country, Poland is bad, Hungary is bad, etc. -- basically any country that have yet to congratulate Biden is bad

2020-11-13 15:17:30 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> how delusional do u have to be to think that dude is better than trump
@Bee yup. the guy never answer me how a dude in office for 47 YEARS are going to change ANYTHING

2020-11-13 15:19:51 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto sounds kinda racist to me... 😏
@Bee Our exchange: "Mexico didn't congratulate Biden because the votes are not confirmed yet." "No, Mexico is terrified of the USA." "Okay, so what?" "Trump is going after them, they have to please him." "How about Russia?" "Russia is OBVIOUSLY bad. they're angry their puppet didn't win" "How about Poland?" "Poland has its issue." "It's ranked as the best places to live." "Yeah, but it's bad because it's populist country!" "So you don't like populism?" "No! I think it's terrible!" "How about Hungary?" "It's a dictatorship!"

2020-11-13 15:21:06 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I think some people dislike trump because he's not a politician and doesn't behave like one
@jtlan he's brass, which indeed could put off a lot of people. but biden is "polite" (ignoring our the gaffes and him yelling at people for daring to question him) -- yet say nothing at all. his policy flip-flop opposite-end-to-opposite-end

2020-11-13 15:21:50 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @Dark they just believe everything without looking into it. What stuns me more is him saying the wall is chaotic
@Bee the wall is chaotic 😂 it's a wall

2020-11-13 15:22:34 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> What’s sad when i was talking to the dude i mentioned before was, i was unprepared
@Bee i'm always on the mode for debate, but yeah, it gets you when you're talking without able to pull up evidences like when you're texting

2020-11-13 15:23:05 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto The wall is divisive! (Umm yeah that's the point ... lol)
@Dark pretty sure Chaz is supposed to be inclusive but the first thing they did was putting up barricade

2020-11-13 15:25:07 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

the guy i was talking to claimed he did his "research" and i was like, yes. watching the news and reading mainstream media is not consider good research. you should look out for alternative sources.

2020-11-13 15:25:20 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

he was so shocked when my mum told him i'm a trump supporter lmao

2020-11-13 15:25:34 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> They also never give me stuff about what joe biden has done in 47 years. They just make stupid claims

2020-11-13 15:26:42 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> If i could sum up the left in 2 words, its **BLIND AF**
@Bee YUP. they legit never actually meet a trump supporter or figure out why people support trump

2020-11-13 15:27:20 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @Bee “Joe Biden is experienced”, yeah in the field of sitting on his ass doing nothing good for his country while in office.
@SmokyCopCar 4-fucking-7 years. even if trump is corrupted, he's in office for max 8 years. BIDEN WAS IN THERE FOR 47 YEARS!

2020-11-13 15:28:07 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> This is why people should research their candidates before voting
@jtlan depend on how you define "research". good research means listening to both sides

2020-11-13 15:29:01 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto they’d rather yell “racist!” Over and over, cant keep up a conversation for longer than 3 seconds (not all of them tho)
@Bee yup. that's literally me and him. i was yelling evidences, and all he did was shaking his head, looking away disinterested whenever i start rattling out a list of something, making faces and go "Trump is corrupted! Trump is evil! He's a conman!"

2020-11-13 15:29:28 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> “President.... my boss” <:KEK:726877368601411624>
@Bee technically, it's true. you can't fault old joe for that

2020-11-13 15:30:34 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @Bee you know the... the thing! If you can’t decide whether you’re for me or trump you ain’t black
@SmokyCopCar all of biden-supporters NEVER defend that!!! I've to defend Trump's quotes. But when it's Biden, *We support him doesn't mean we agree with everything!*

2020-11-13 15:32:06 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> People hate trump for no reason now, im starting to think its an actual mental disorder
@Bee TDS is very real

2020-11-13 15:32:35 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @Dark everything steven said was apparently an “unfair comparison”
@Bee what is a fair comparison, lady????

2020-11-13 15:33:42 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Pretty much like this:
> Girl: 2+2=4
> Steven: so thats like saying 3+3=6
> Girl: you’re not making a fair comparison
@Bee it is indeed not a fair comparison. haven't you heard? 2+2=5 now

2020-11-13 15:38:15 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Although their kids would prolly end up like super conservative lol
@Dark conservatism is the new punk

2020-11-13 15:39:00 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Sick of ppls confused identity and pronouns. Facts dont care about yout feelings
@Bee i don't care about your identity and/or pronouns but stop shoving it in my face and stop parading it like it's the only characteristic you have

2020-11-13 15:42:16 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I think we can say "Do not weaponize your perceived victimhood"
@Dark lmao like, if you go on anybody's social media, it's "she/her" "rainbow flag" "fists" "sexuality/orientation" "#BLM"

2020-11-13 15:43:14 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I mean are there like any lefties that are "happy" without drugs, sex or alcohol?
@Dark they are not happy. they are all having something with mental illnesses

2020-11-13 17:11:24 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @DeButcher the thing is, people who have it dont get symptoms until after a week is what ive heard
@Master oogwei Elon musk got 4 tests today. 2 came back positive, 2 came back negative. Same machine, same nurse

2020-11-13 17:11:31 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]

2020-11-13 18:57:50 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

how do you be a "nonbinary" lesbian???!??!?!

2020-11-13 18:58:01 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  


2020-11-13 18:58:13 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  


2020-11-13 18:59:12 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Holy shit
@Rhyean *cry* darling how about you worrying about your homework instead of what percentage you're girl and boy and they/them

2020-11-13 18:59:22 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @Rhyean Is this a mandatory class?
@mightytrump this looks like a GSA hellhole

2020-11-13 19:00:44 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

it will fucking kill your brain cells

2020-11-13 19:01:12 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I think it's time for another crusade.
@MatthewW2745(Baptist in Jersey) i'm *crying* for the next generation. what have we become

2020-11-13 19:02:14 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

isn't Jacob being presumptive??? especially with guys in there. there are also people not identified as "queens"

2020-11-13 19:07:44 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> this is what happens when you cater to the sexually degenerate - confused youth who have no idea where to go in life solely based on genitalia related feeling
@mightytrump kids can have sexuality crisis but like, 12 is TOO YOUNG 😬

2020-11-13 19:08:57 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @mightytrump do you actually care about gay people thouh?
@Reedy777s i'm pretty sure a lot of us don't necessarily care. we might not agree but we don't mind them as long as they don't jam that "identity" down our throat and at our face. i know i don't care about if a person is gay, what they can contribute to society is more important to me

2020-11-13 19:10:58 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> This is kinda larpy but idc
@Rhyean keep updating us on the response 😂

2020-11-13 19:17:25 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> nobody cares though just tell your kids they want you to chop your dick off so they can sell you drugs and make up but i don't think its a good idea because your ideas on sexuality do change and that's a decision you cant change
@Reedy777s hmm, i don't think you understand why i'm concerned. people CAN decide on sexuality and/or have sexuality crisis. However, I was in the position to define my sexuality before back when I attended GSA and those events. I was TAUGHT to prioritize sexuality identity over whatever else. Kids, at 12, is frankly too young to be running around fretting about their sexuality. I've those sexuality crisis at 14 -- but that was when I was stuck in a cycle of defining myself as one particular "tag". Gays, lesbians and transgender are a bit more different because they're born like that and from my experience they know "what" they are. However, this "pansexuality", "demi-", etc. are extremely confusing (even I as an adult are still confused on the concept and really the people that call themselves these tags haven't done a good job explaining, either). Anyway, long story short, when a kid is more worrying about what does he/she identify at instead of homework or the world around them i think it's a sign that the school system is failing the kids

2020-11-13 19:19:08 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> Our children should learn about how to maintain their innocence!
@LuckyPuffy they're allowed to be curious. but i'm seeing the rise of sexuality identity over everything else, which is extremely alarming. the teachers literally have a list and they kids are putting themselves in the boxes instead of considering themselves as a whole

2020-11-13 19:20:57 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> people need to learn to protect themselves
@Reedy777s indeed. but the kids are too young to realized that. especially kids in a "bubbled" environment. kids growing up in harsher conditions learn to protect themselves very early on.

2020-11-13 19:22:52 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

^^^ I love Kvon

2020-11-13 19:25:08 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto teach your kids and they can teach others get your arguement straight for the head teacher if theres trouble, keep composure and say its just about the money and its not right ,
@Reedy777s here's the thing. The kids usually spent 4-6 hours at school, and depending on the parents. I know for myself I don't see my parents much because they work a lot, even during weekends. Everything I learn is from myself and online. So this means the teachers would more likely to be the "parental" figure. You're also assuming the kids are above above 10.

2020-11-13 19:27:23 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> you cant argue with reason
@Reedy777s when you're young, you are more likely to listen instead of arguing back. the kids may have a moral compass that tells them "maybe something isn't right", but their defense is literally shallow compares to us. Hell, even adults skim over things, so you suggesting "putting a bunch of research paper and have the kids read them" is not practical. The best we can do is teach the kids both sides early on and maintain a close relationship with our kids

2020-11-13 19:28:33 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> well you cant win if you cant explain yourself with reason the pen is mightier than the sword
@Reedy777s correct. but there's a proverb that an old man don't argue against a child -- because a child's mental capacity and experience is completely different from an old man.

2020-11-13 19:29:19 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> The educational system should no longer run on the industrial thought! It’s time to make men, not workers!
@LuckyPuffy yes! one thing about this current generation (and I am also guilty as charged) is that we are not curious enough

2020-11-13 19:30:46 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> its about the money and if parents wanna allow there children to be abused so that Biden and his buddies can make a profit its on them nobody else
@Reedy777s jesus christ. i don't think you grasp the fact that it's more complex than that. The parents can "point it out" all they want but the kids would not listen, what would you do? I was a rebel at one point (still am) and was convinced everything my parents say are lies and I'll act the opposite

2020-11-13 19:31:46 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I was and will always (I hope) be a rebel 😈
@LuckyPuffy obey them (to some degree) but always question them is my motto

2020-11-13 19:32:13 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto main problem with industrial thought is that it beats the curiosity out of children
@mightytrump plus the social media and technology. the kids are being indoctrinated with machines

2020-11-13 19:32:56 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto would you honestly chop you dick off though kids are not stupid
@Reedy777s the kids would not want that, but if the parents want to force the kids to transition (there are stories of stepmoms wanting to transition their sons), the kids have virtually no choice

2020-11-13 19:33:47 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> They made propaganda so friendly that nobody can tell anymore
@LuckyPuffy technically, propaganda had always been sly. we're simply the people that listened to a different-tune propaganda that isn't mainstreamed

2020-11-13 19:34:05 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> do you know kids see calmness as authority
@Reedy777s yes. which is why if you spend 4-6 hours at school teachers can influence you a lot

2020-11-13 19:35:12 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto buddy theres no way my mum could of talked me into that nonsense
@Reedy777s the kid was less than 10 year old. his parents were divorced. the dad had to file a fucking lawsuit to stop the crazy woman from forcing the kid into transition

2020-11-13 19:35:38 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> reminds me of a case in Texas
@mightytrump i think we may be thinking of the same case?

2020-11-13 19:36:50 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

i think she's the stepmom, though?

2020-11-13 19:36:57 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> where his father provided boys and girls clothes yet the 3 y/o chose to be a boy
@mightytrump it's honestly so fuck-up

2020-11-13 19:37:56 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> just explain the con they will understand there's nothing to worry about stop panicking it makes us all look bad stories like that are too gaslight you and make you look a fool
@Reedy777s what are you talking about? we are not panicking. we're telling you the kids are very easy to manipulated. are we on different wavelength 😂

2020-11-13 19:38:56 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

i heard a bunch of stories of people thought they are trans, so they transition, then realize they are not, then they have to detransition

2020-11-13 19:39:43 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> @isoboto kids dont listen to crazy people
@Reedy777s bruh. i'm talking to you in a very calm manner. a lot of parents don't do this "calm talk" well and there are serious crazy people who are capable of acting calm

2020-11-13 19:41:11 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> but ya know "those who have transitioned are very happy"
@mightytrump 😬 the ones that actually were trans and happy that they are in the right place also had some bad experience. especially female to male. They quickly find out "male privilege" is not a thing

2020-11-13 19:41:37 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> just tell them the truth there people that want to make money from you and they will try to convince you to do stupid thing
@Reedy777s yeah, but what will you do with the teachers literally tell the kids the opposite?

2020-11-13 19:42:26 UTC [Zeducation #😱|lefties-meltdown]  

> I wouldn’t be a good parent because I. Just. Don’t. Know. The. Feeling. Of. Calmness.
@LuckyPuffy lmao i can't imagine myself being a parent. i'm going to be so either too authoritarian or too laid-back

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