🎄Brandon P-R2k🎄

Discord ID: 763029199056797717

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Elijah Schaffer went to some business who got looted and interviewed the owners. Highly recommend watching some of his videos



Thats how college is lol

Im going to college to get a degree in information technology and digital forensics so I kinda need a degree to get my name out. It can be done without a degree, but it would be much more challenging. I just found what works for me. My total college tuition will be around 20k bc I am going to a small college. My opinion, find what works for you and go for it. @Pitchoun. Just do your research

Don't spend money on a big college, use your money wisely

And dont go to party

I am your dad and you have to be home before midnight.


@Hank The The that is the key to the universe

Russia is colluding with this chat

Pulling the feminism card your sister is @yoda

I can find out what you believe by listening to your music.

Me: 24 hrs of all star

She got a big fat L on her forehead

I feel bad for you @yoda


The warrented warning was unwarned and will waddle away when mid-week

Is water wet?

Thank you for the revalational new knowledge that will forever change my viewpoint on if water is wet. Your argument is valid and is quite life changing. I will now go into solidarity and ponder on your answer for 8 weeks in the hymalayn mountains @Hank The The

Gtg as well. I must contribute to society

hear me out, top picks for next moderator of the presidental debate. 1. Ron Swanson 2. Jeff Foxworthy 3. Gabriel Iglesias 4. Ginger Billy 5. Michael Knowles 6. Felix Kjellberg . Who would you choose?


just silence

Ben would be cool

the fly would do better than the previous moderators

Ginger Billy would bring two leaf blowers up on stage and tell each canadate point them at eachother and the one who has the most gas at the end of the 90 mins would win the debate.

and it would be amazing

90 minuites of leafblower noises

I have a bad habit of killing chats

ehhhh, I liked avatar. It has a pretty good story apart from the creepy rituals and the blue furry bois. I watched it for the first time like a year ago and I thought it was still holding up to modern day cgi and the story was better than a lot of movies that are coming out today (cough cough term. dark fate cough)

night y'all @Memologist Ph.D. don't worry, but pack some heat

just in case

Big brain


That video is priceless

Leftist meltdown on snapchat in NE Ohio. You may have to turn the volume up.


Dope tech.

I want to go down the secret service slip and slides like perry the platapus does

> I will defeat Joe biden
@Covid 19 yessir you will, if not, we know something is up

I guess that debate that was scheduled for the 15th was cancelled

Joe Biden couldn't get his teleprompter workin

When the teleprompter makes less mistakes than the presidential nominee, then you probably should vote teleprompter 2020

imagine hacking into bidens teleprompter. That is the only way you can control the left

indeed we do, and we have more enthusiasm then they will ever have. They are too busy attending furry rallies and swearing at eachother

I will lower unemployment and raise taxes because I'm bond, james bond.

joe touched his mask 60+ times in one of his current speches

Ight, who the imposter

Trump 2020 🇺🇲


Midterms are stressful, and fixing a gas powered blower is a nightmare. Prob need a new carb. Other than that, it was a pretty good day

I did too

We will all be banned and the mods will rule the server in perfect peace and harmony

Same, its a moshpit in g1

G1=Extrovert Chads, G2=Introverted Chads

We get the golden star for good behavior ⭐

Yo, can we put a wall up so once slomode becomes unbearable, G1 won't invade our borders and steel our peace and sanity.

I think this discord is the biggest amount of social life I have lol. I need to become a Chad and get a gf

It is nice to have a place to chill with people who hold the same values

> I got off and then half an hour later I’ve literally never seen it this crazy
@Kaladin same

I guess we can blame russian trolls for interference just like the left does

And that is a dope pic!

I need a dslr telescope adapter

I have a nikon d80.

I love stargazing. Also, I recommend getting a sattelite tracker app

I'm looking forward to the blue moon. And woah! That is an awesome telescope


Night yall!

The <#707963490526298112> is actually not that bad tonight


If they are "that" guy from Thanksgiving, that is when I draw the line

Same here, but we got some crazies as well

Ohio is a mixed bag

The russians are with me in ohio

Hawaii sus

Liberal logic states that Alaska is Cold and thus it can't be red.

Sup gen2

(sweet home Alabama intensifies)

Ohio pretty cold at the moment, we have a frost warning going into place

> Humanity wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt for all the humans
@jerpeau you just solved racism

We going down to 33

> it was 69 earlier <:troll_face:726878856585281557>
@Memologist Ph.D. nice

69,420 is the price of elons model-s

Especially Arizona

> @🎄Brandon P-R2k🎄 I don't understand how this is a joke how much was his other cars
@SomeSouthernGuy idk

> A quick google search will answer you @SomeSouthernGuy Just dont go too far with the first 2 numbers 👍
@jerpeau a quote to live by

Ight ima headout

Si, it is late night...


> im 12:33
@Memologist Ph.D. lucky your living in the past

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