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Greetings gentlemen
Well I imagine there is other reasons than hating your race/culture for suicide. Anti-semitism is a meme anyways, doesn't mean anything.
16 for beer, 18 for spirits (like in Germany)
Well our drinking age is 18 right now and I don't really care to change it
Alcohol can also be drank in moderation
And besides banning it doesn't work
Of course we should discourage people from excessive drinking because it's unhealthy as fuck. But if you drink once every few months on special occasions it doesn't really matter.
Of coures it's not healthy, but it has *little negative effect* if you do it rare enough,
Well his point was unhealthy foods I imagine
But besides can't one have some pleasures in life on occasion?
I don't think eating cake and drinking beer is good for you, but I like to do it sometimes on parties. As a general rule almost everything is better in moderation.
That's only Germany @Saturday Night Wah
All other European countries have 18
No that it doesn't do. Alcohol shouldn't be used for problems, that quickly leads to alcoholism.
Well as long as it's not excessive I agree
That's not how it works
Are you actually retarded?
No, especially because you're American
Banning alcohol literally doesn't work
Finland tried it in the 30s and people started drinking MORE alcohol
Well honestly Finns have a pretty big alcoholism problem even though it's not nearly on the level of some Eastern European countries
But if you have a culture, that strongly involves drinking alcohol, you simply can't just ban alcohol. You could have state propaganda campaigns against alcohol, that's something that basically doesn't exist.
Banning works for unpopular drugs, but not drugs like alcohol or tobacco, that a large porportion if not most of the population uses.
The state has to be based on values like God, honour, family and fatherland. And do what it takes to uphold them. Rampant totalitarianism usually isn't even the best thing to get things done.
The thing is that people really don't like super totalitarian governments that stick their nose literally everywhere. You might even get overthrown by your own initial supporters if you're too totalitarian.
I didn't say I support democracy
There's a long spectrum going from authoritarian nationalism to a full on siegetard
It's a book written by that American natsoc Jason Mason
I haven't read it myself, but I know what people who read Siege tend to advocate for.
All the memeing asside though, is it a good book?
Yeah it's pretty North America specific isn't it?
Why the fuck would anyone advocate for murdering mailmen?
Hmm well I'm not a big fan of national socialism anyways so I doubt I'll end up reading it
Well in a country with less than 5% foreigners I'm not giving up yet. In a lot of European countries we can still retake our countries and the shit never needs to hit the fan.
Countries like France and Germany might be lost though sadly
Europes future lies in Central and Eastern Europe. We should create something like the Intermarium alliance with Poland, Hungary and other countries that are still mostly Christian and European.
Something like this could be plausible, except Sweden is probably lost already.
I agree, the EU is the single biggest threat to European civilizations
It's probably going to fall apart quite soon though
That was a plan by a Polish general
Jozef Pilsudski
France, Germany and maybe Sweden might be lost to becoming Islamic non-European shitholes. The rest of Europe will become nationalist and prevail though I think.
I'm quite optimistic actually. Nationalism (even though it is pretty kosher for now) is making a strong comeback in Europe.
Well most of the migrants are Muslims
It doesn't even matter that much honestly. Viktor Orban is telling Europeans to get babies and he is spreading traditional Christian family values. He has also built a razer wire face around Hungary and stopped letting migrants in. Poland has yet to take in one rapefugee. These countries have their problems, but they are doing a lot of good work.
And these Kosher Nationalists are still normalising nationalism, which will make it a lot easier to either A) influence them to be more radical B) replace them with something more radical.
Ukrainians are still Slavic Europeans, I'm aware Poland has over a million Ukrainians, but because of similar culture they will probably assimulate quite quickly. Even though I think you're slightly overexaggerating the amount of "interracial relationships", the situation is worse than I though.
Obรณz Narodowo Radikalny is strongly needed in Poland now. Bรณg, Honor i Ojczyzna! Polska dla Polakow! @Bogatyr Bogumir
I think the division between non-degenerates and degenerates is growing I'd say. Vast majority are degenerates though.
Even even the high schoolers that hate niggers and oppose immigration are super degenerate in other ways.
I go to a 99% white school <:Dude:459545653031469068>
I'm completely open about my views. You just need to be confident and well-spoken and you should be fine. But then again there is at least a few people who agree with nationalist ideas so that makes it easier.
Well talking about the JQ might actually get you in trouble
I talk about gender differences and differences between nations. Well my teacher just called me a social darwinist, and I just replied "sure lol". There honestly isn't that much they can do.
People don't know what goy means here so that would be pointless
Well if you're family is apolitical you might succeed. Like my Mom is pretty red pilled. My dad though, he's a center-right globalist and that doesn't simply get changed, he's still a pretty good father besides that though.
A lot of people get uncomfortable when talking about politics
Shut the fuck up goat fucker
We'll crusade you heathen shits when we retake Europe
Tbh it's not like alcohol and sex are new things
It's been similar probably since the 60s
Condoms and stuff like that wasn't that widespread before the 50s or 60s so people had less reckless sex
Alcohol has been missused in this country for longer than there is written sources
oh please
Do they change their names or something?
Somalis are probably the shittiest ethnic group I've ever interacted with in my life
They disgust me
Their unemployment rate is like 50%. They're useless niggers, whose adults do terrorist attacks and youth rob and assault people in gangs.
I know some Catholic Africans who are aboslutely fine and nice people, Somalis are the niggers of niggers if you ask me.
ร terinvandringsverket tillkallar dig ๐ @Muhammad Al-Tajir
AfS is the upgraded version
The Byzantine Empire was sacked by the Latins and was thus very weak at the time
Next election the SD will most likely be entirely in power. Or if they keep rigging the elections the Swedes will eventually raise up and violently remove traitors and invaders.
Well if SD doesn't get shit under control people will vote AfS in power, and they want to deport citizens aswell. Also the SD wants to leave the EU lol
EU will soon fall apart
Wtf is wrong with you? You want Muslim domination of Europe you fucking cuck? @Doctor Anon
Muslims should be kept weak so they're less of a threat.
Border protection, or just shoot them
You make one example and they'll stop coming
But nationalists need to be in power in most of Europe, to start shooting people. Before that we can resort to barred wire, beatings, tear gas etc.
That will most likely be enough anyways
Jesus is the son of the Holy Father, God in human form.
Not a prophet
Probably some goat fucker
In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, DEUS VULT!
Spoiler alert it's Malmรถ
Stockholm dรฅ
Under Putin Russia has seen a huge rise in Christianity and hundreads of churches are being built all the time. And really family values have been seeing a big surge in popularity. Putin might be far from perfect, but his unapologetic Christian values are very respectable.
Well Russia certainly has seen a huge rise in practising Christians
Western Liberal traitors
I don't care if they get assasinated
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