
Discord ID: 291444917044248576

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2018-07-05 07:00:42 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

Regarding vaping, I just don't like the state dictating that citizens make healthy decisions. It's way too authoritarian for my taste.

@Redxl, bowling us fun though. Like video games or golf, it's not supposed to be a replacement for more physically demanding sports. It's in a different category.

Yea, it's big news tbh. I think it's going to be a net positive for Trump though.

Big news that Dems are going through with it, I mean

The story itself is only mildly interesting

He was playing politics the same as all politicians around and before him, but tons of people want him gone, so they're making it out to be some huge deal.

I think near-future politics are fucked tbh. The system broke when Trump was elected and it's not going to fix itself any time soon lol. It could be great or horrible, but it's definitely different now.

Data privacy is a bigger issue than censorship tbh. With enough power and enough data, you don't even need to censor anyone to change the world to your liking.

@IAmAlwaysWatching, do you not think people should have the right to be dirty and ugly if they want to be that way?

@shadow of existence, what is your diet like? My shits are always comfortable.

@Arthur Grayborn, not quite liquid is better than entirely liquid tbh

Yea, but wiping isn't too bad either way tbh. It might require a fee more wipes but that's not really a big deal imo.

You could just shower

I shower after I shit every morning

2020-01-27 06:13:41 UTC [Athens #๐ŸŽจgallery๐ŸŽจ_art]

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