Message from @Al <3
Discord ID: 768548494973206528
> Girl scouts is still girls only, but Boy Scouts is now just "the scouts"
@Spectre yeah but everyone still calls it Boy Scouts lol
The left want equity, like... they want equality of outcome, not of opportunity.
The left want the good life while everyone else obeys a system
Yup @ThiccTomato I still do
Boys only!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we need to make a boys club
as in an actual boys club
Sausage party
We need to be accepting but Call out stupidity
No Grills
Elon Musk should start another Boy Scouts
Girls are hoes. bros before hoes.
> Girls are hoes. bros before hoes.
@LuckyPuffy fuck w*men. All my homies hate w*men.
> Girls are hoes. bros before hoes.
@LuckyPuffy my friend found that out the hard way unfortunately
anyone see the Guliani turned in the hard drive to poilice becuause it had inapropriate messages and pictures involving children?
Just kidding around of course
> anyone see the Guliani turned in the hard drive to poilice becuause it had inapropriate messages and pictures involving children?
@K1ngL0ser187 yeah i heard
The false equality in Boy Scouts is similar to the racism in this country. It’s racist to mention skin color, unless they’re calling while people “white privileged”. It’s not raciest at ALL when that is said 🙄
ya homiesexul
Or Donald Trump should start another Boy/Girl Scouts organization.
thats some messed up stuff right there
> The false equality in Boy Scouts is similar to the racism in this country. It’s racist to mention skin color, unless they’re calling while people “white privileged”. It’s not raciest at ALL when that is said 🙄
@Al <3 Ikr?
“Nonono ooouo guys you can’t spread that information because it was hackedddd”
“Hahaha trump tax returns”
> The false equality in Boy Scouts is similar to the racism in this country. It’s racist to mention skin color, unless they’re calling while people “white privileged”. It’s not raciest at ALL when that is said 🙄
@Al <3 can we stray away from scouts and talk about this?
This is good topic
whats the point of boy scouts if they let girls in or girl scouts if they let boys in?
> Or Donald Trump should start another Boy/Girl Scouts organization.
@PreVizsla no government, it was the government that opened the gates hence why this'll be like the GOA
they should have 3 kinds of scouts.
companies have the right to turn down eeryone
boy scouts, girl scouts and the genreral scouts
No, Donald Trump privately funds it
Not sure if it's something to support tho, guys. Social workers provide an integral service I don't think people should be deprived of based off of certain attributes.
Boys, girls, young scouts of America
> No, Donald Trump privately funds it
@PreVizsla ah i see
> This is good topic
@Apathetic Right. It’s going full circle
that'll work
Hatred equality, as Filthy Frank put it.