Will the Music Guy

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I'm new here is there a non NSFW place for general chat

Is it the end goal of breaking free of sex addiction to just say I have faith in God regardless of what happens to me? I felt pretty empty when my motivation for quitting pornography was because I could be a more worthy future husband, because that feels like bargaining with God (I want to be married but I'm afraid of dating women who are attracted to me now for fear they're not actually worth my time)

Does anyone have coping strategies for food binges

I had the urge and just ate a lot of food last night because I couldn't sleep, and I don't know if there's like a way during the day that a lot of you guys can manage dealing with a compulsion to overeat, even a little bit

I'll chime in and state my short answer, uncited and off the cuff, is that perfection is not humanly attainable, but the Holy Spirit does lead us to sanctification when we become Christians

I do not believe sanctification of humanity is true perfection in comparison to God, but I guess if you define perfection by the Earthly standard, than that's what sanctification would bring about

I don't understand Richmond, 160 years ago you would still recoil in horror at the sight of the Dems

You've got to take Antifa seriously because they are the small facet

It won't go away by taking solace the assumption that sensible people outnumber them

I was afraid. I still am afraid of experiencing a character assassination by them and having to lead life from a much harder place

But yes, as Robert says, I am keeping a cool head and channeling my anger into something productive

I will not say where because you better believe there are people here who monitor us

God does not put us in such a bad place that we can't be reached by grace

One is join them and exhort your fellow conservatives to be less cowardly

The other option is to just spread influence among your friends

I respect it if you're not like Jesse and just start dropping red pills whenever and wherever you are

Japheth, I don't know Stephen's friends so I can't speak to that

But certainly one thing I am figuring out in my life right now is who my real friends are

There are a lot of people who are good who can be made to see the light

There are also friends who are conservatives who do not yet do everything in their power to fight the war

I'm not saying you try to proselytize to heathens who won't listen

The Book of Proverbs spells out that you are casting your pearls before swine in such cases

Then you will surely fall at the hands of the leftist tyranny

What purpose does that serve other than an easy way out?

You can be rebellious against tyranny on your own, and be cast out like a dog having done nothing but served your own conscience

Our survival and continued resistance, I believe, is key

Maybe they don't show us mercy and decide to wipe us out

I don't know what to really make of that statement, but I hope you are a good person

You talk strangely, so I don't know whether I should believe what you are saying, because if you are in such a line of work I don't know what you would be doing here talking about it. Regardless, I hope you serve God.

Personally, I have woken up to my own service to the Devil, and I desire to turn others away from the Devil and back towards God, because we all get too comfy

That comfiness afforded to us by the sacrifice of others is an illusion nowadays meant to trap us

Maybe so. But it is not good to live a life trusting no one.

They're not really empirically proven or disproven statements

Humans are capable of greed as they are capable of selflessness

I will say anecdotally that who you spend time with is important

I am a musician and I decided to stop hanging out with / getting close to a majority of my music scene

They will probably cancel me at some point. I've come to terms with that.

My hope is to serve God throughout the process and make music that's too good to be ignored. My scene is so small it doesn't matter if I'm an outcast here anyway

That last phrase is actually used as a lyric to the song by a band I am fond of

But I'm thankful I have a Dad who believes in truth and God

He raised me right and now I'm equipped to deal with my personal demons

I have a lot of problems, like taking on the identity of my own mother in some ways, particularly with the appetites of the flesh

Stephen, what I was trying to say earlier is that as average Joes in America

community is our weapon against the left. Know who your close friends are, and by that I mean people who share your values, in God and in Freedom

Japheth, why are all the tech companies so hard Left in your opinion

I believe God wants us to trust people, but the book of Proverbs has a lot of wisdom on dealing with people in general

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