angel 32

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@Richmondbread your right also covid is joke it to get rfa chips in people

Because they take out Jefferson george Washington and they take down statue and teach children to be woke

i think we need to make few photos saying this is what the enemy of the left did

with one photo of the riot's all over the country

and one photo for all the lives taken by blm and antifa

and lastly one with all the things that they say there marxs

also not all homeless was choice some lost there homes bc of covid and some bc home prices go up when the midwage goes up then a person with 1 job then midwage raise then you need 2 jobs then after it goes up 3 jobs then your working 3 jobs to have roof over there head you can tell when one is from crime and one not

2nd is reacting what hake said that homeless is because crime

all i know in the middle east that media and no else will talk bout but me but trump let russia have the middle they also got a dozen v2 missiles bases with missile solos no just take it to partash word but i know the russians in the 80s will devloping arsel incase subjected war happened and also they were working with massive chemcial weapons nevre gas and mind controlling weapons @Deleted User

russians were defeat yes but when they took over berlin they found scamatics of v2 rockets so the soviets start to rebuild there own after the war when we got the cold war with them they still build them then later they made a deal in the middle east and start the devolvement of more advance v2 that hold chemical weapons then the whole terrorist thing happen and we were fight people that still part of soviets they hold those rockets till we took them over then we developed more weapons and stored them there and now when we left we gave russia a boat load of weapons it wasnt just isis it was weapon and a portion of oil we only have soliders there because of the oil

@Deleted User yes but the american had way more powerful weapons then the russians

supposely there 3 copys of these v2 rockets

but we destroy most we took some compounds

yes there was some in poland how they got them i quite sure it was under german control for a while maybe they had them in a old base

ok i know i might sound really crazy saying this

but i believe that the ark of the covent holds a gateway to hell

i truly think there a satan was traped in there by god

bc every country that got that box got loads of power and had many conflicts

where do i ask for people pray for someone bc

The u.s days are number unless we get are guns supports and we need to stop theses guidelines we need to stop them from installing agenda 21 and 5g afects the human body it not just blm and antifa not just them it the dictatorship of the gobalist media and we need to find the real enemy and you wonder why America falling bc were giving in we are falling into the trap watch we wont have states no more it will be countrys we need to wake up im sorry if i sound rude but im tried of people not do stuff bc there scared im scared too but others need to stand up against

It may seem conspiraces but it very important

Also check this video too it more so then real facts if you think it conspiracy

Did jesse talk bout the 5 yr old kid that got shot in the head for rideing his bike

I hope they dont release that guy that was worng

Im talking bout the meth head who shot the 5yr old in the head

Bc i dont care wat color you are if you want to release a person who kills childern

I dont care what color you are if you kill childern it should be off with your head

@Deleted User. Can i have the article of video of that story of darius sessoms bc im be called a conspiracy

Sorry im have a agruement with some church people they think im being a conspiracy

It bc the zion church sever im in think im crazy

@Deleted User. Ok i got a question for you do you believe the media 100%

Anyways i sent you a youtube video to check out

Im saying this now i dont care if you people are mad at me or not im 17 im in my last year of highschool and i need papers and info for people to believe me i get called crazy when i talk i barely have friends and the ones i do arent in any of my classes

So im alone and like sheep that is left outside at night alone

Why do i say my age bc when i speak they think im 30yr old which is not i stop watch the media and stoped when they stop g4 and with cartoon network turning to crap

Nor did my mother i doved in this stuff since 13

My father always told me you go out and find the truth i dont want to force anything you dont believe or not to believe so find your research

Im glad g4 coming back but it wont be the same im tried of the wokeness in media it hurts me and the country

And @Deleted User. No and yes depends bc California has a lot of crazy phsycos if mainstream media said it was kkk then it a lie it was probably blm or antifa

With these days it hard to trust the media no offense. To you @Deleted User

I like this sever it much better then the zion Christian church sever i am in

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