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2020-11-25 01:36:07 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

โ€œhear, hearโ€

2020-11-25 01:43:26 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

I had to look it up myself, but I think you mean "hear, hear"

2020-11-25 01:47:48 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

I'm from the south originally and my wife and kids make fun of the fact I pronounce the words "pen" and "pin" the same ... years of them trying to teach me the difference I can now say "pen" correctly only if I form the word "pendulum" in my head first and leave off the "dulum"

2020-11-25 01:52:33 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Then there's "well bless your heart" which means anything but

2020-11-25 01:53:45 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

@FaithJoy thanks for posting the slides ... gotta go find that Lord "Something-or-other" quote

2020-11-25 02:22:49 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

I so want see a #covid channel created where we discuss legal aspects of Covid restrictions/regulations ... for example, if you knew you had Covid it would seem fitting that the law require you to isolate for a certain period of time because doing otherwise would be reckless behavior but requiring everyone to isolate violates the principle of "innocent until proven guilty" ... most people don't have Covid and thus their non-isolation is NOT reckless and to require them to isolate or more importantly to punish them for failing to isolate is to punish them for non-reckless behavior, to presuppose they are guilty when in fact they are innocent

2020-11-25 02:26:47 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

probably hurts to laugh

2020-11-25 02:38:48 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

okay more Covid legal thoughts ... you approach a business and there's a sign on the door that says please wear a mask or face covering when entering, well is that a violation of your rights? no, that is the business owner asserting their private property rights, same goes if they say you need to wear shirt and shoes, if a fancy restaurant requires a jacket and tie ... it doesn't matter why they're saying it as long as it applies to everyone without distinction, if you wish to enter you should abide by their rules ... friend of mine disagreed saying they wouldn't have the sign for wearing a mask except for the state government but I claim you then have a beef with the government and take it up with them but don't put a private property owner in middle ... he or she is just trying to earn a living

2020-11-25 02:47:24 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

I'm NOT accepting (yet?) what is claimed about what has been found ... there are claims of coordinated widespread fraud but haven't seen compelling evidence of such, more importantly such evidence doesn't seem to have presented in court and even those claims of fraud don't seem to have been made in court

2020-11-25 02:53:02 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

I would hope that some meaningful legislation might come out of all this ... saying someone needs to wear a mask when in potentially crowded public spaces is one thing, saying a business cannot operate at all is another

2020-11-25 02:54:41 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

also seems that some limits on executive power need enforced ... executive orders that carry the force of law need to be outlawed but the legislative branch

2020-11-25 02:56:16 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

wow haven't seen one of those ... that would definitely be an overstep

2020-11-25 02:58:25 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  


2020-11-25 03:06:53 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

The issue is that shutting down businesses deprives someone of their livelihood without compensation ... regardless of motivation there is the law of unintended consequences, who is to say what is and is not an essential business ... we have to face the fact that we can only slow the spread not stop it at this point

2020-11-25 03:10:06 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

oh no I go to work everyday and follow numerous regulations including wearing a mask

2020-11-25 03:13:47 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

let me be clear I see a huge difference between saying folks need to social distance and wear masks when they can't etc. versus saying to a business you are non-essential and must close period

2020-11-25 03:18:44 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

to be fair I don't think this Biden's idea

2020-11-25 03:18:54 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

pushed by far left

2020-11-25 03:20:04 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

AOC and company are taking on Biden himself

2020-11-25 03:22:26 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

think we need wait till we have that Covid channel ... seems like there is lots to discuss legally about it

2020-11-25 04:22:25 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

"hard to prove who in this country is dead and who is not" ... favorite line in the video

2020-11-26 02:16:27 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #general-chat]  

Everyone enjoy your Thanksgiving

2020-11-26 02:18:10 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

think it's the other way around ... media needs Trump

2020-11-26 02:26:36 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

if he had really just paid $750 in taxes then he certainly could have gotten Mexico to pay for the wall

2020-11-26 05:08:42 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

huh? it's at least 10 times more deadly

2020-11-26 05:11:15 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I've working all day ... not on the internet ... and why is this now the Covid channel rather than the election2020 channel?

2020-11-26 05:15:15 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I say next time there's a camera recording every ballot opened and recorded for review

2020-11-26 05:40:43 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

rules for thee, but not for me

2020-11-26 05:56:37 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

a lot of talk about nothing ^^ there fixed the summary for you

2020-11-26 06:50:50 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

funny one of their requested remedies has already occurred: "A declaratory judgment declaring that mail-in and absentee ballot
fraud must be remedied with a Full Manual Recount or statistically
valid sampling that properly verifies the signatures on absentee
ballot envelopes and that invalidates the certified results if the
recount or sampling analysis shows a sufficient number of ineligible
absentee ballots were counted"

2020-11-26 06:53:10 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

" Full Manual Recount" has already been performed with both parties witness to it

2020-11-26 07:07:33 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  
2020-11-26 14:52:45 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Taiwan and other parts of Asia had SARS-1 to contend with and that caused them to prepare properly and then act properly for this one

2020-11-26 15:07:41 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

sorry but the government can stop death and it can only rearrange when and where it occurs

2020-11-26 15:10:01 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

and trample on people's rights in the process ... they were forcibly pulling folks from their homes in China and taking them to isolation camps ... you think that will work in the US?

2020-11-26 15:12:50 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

the US paid an extra $600 a week for people (most of them not infected with the virus) NOT to work

2020-11-26 15:15:06 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

everyone that was laid off from March onward had an extra $600 a week in their unemployment checks through the summer ... that is across the entire US

2020-11-26 15:15:55 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

also they sent $1200 stimulus checks to everyone including those still working and those retired

2020-11-26 15:17:46 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

lots of money spent randomly ... very little specifically to help with the problem we are now facing which is the surge that all the experts said would happen in the fall/winter months ... where are all the new hospitals? where are all the facilities to take care of those infected by the surge that we knew would happen

2020-11-26 15:17:49 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  


2020-11-26 15:54:03 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

they did a full-up hand recount of every ballot in GA ... in the past there wasn't a paper trail but GA changed the way they were doing it so that was a paper ballot for every vote cast ... maybe it's not simple but it was a full up audit

2020-11-26 15:56:46 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

one count was by machine, second count by hand, then they certify the results, then Trump campaign asked for a recount as is their right under the law, this third recount will be by machine

2020-11-26 15:58:29 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

but it can't be tainted by the machine allocating votes from one candidate to another ... it's possible they stuffed the ballot box but it's not possible the software miscounted the paper ballots

2020-11-26 16:14:54 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

also suggest staying on topic ... for example if I go to election2020 I want to see just that BUT it is a somewhat valid point that Covid affected the election ... anyway some way to request additional topics under the "cases" would be nice

2020-11-26 16:16:53 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

yeah ... not a big deal but I had to really scroll to find the release of the Kraken last night

2020-11-26 16:20:21 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I thought it was for discussion of cases related to alleged election fraud which is why I'm reading and posting ... trying to discern how likely it is for the Trump campaign to win their court cases

2020-11-26 16:24:33 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

fair enough

2020-11-26 16:47:10 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

If the random company and I together audit the inventory item by item by hand I would trust that

2020-11-26 16:50:44 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

The irony that we're all responding in this discord server on phones or computers made in China should not be lost on us

2020-11-26 16:51:51 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

In Georgia the voter got to see the printed ballot before it was placed into the scanner

2020-11-26 16:53:33 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Also note in Georgia the ballots that were machine printed were done so on the day of election whereas the mail in ballots were handmarked

2020-11-26 16:54:39 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

๐Ÿ‘‹ to China

2020-11-26 16:56:08 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Isn't he dead? I wonder how many times he voted in this election?

2020-11-26 22:47:16 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I guess not everyone wants to be associated with the kraken

2020-11-27 04:04:49 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

"The most comprehensive between-country study of masks for COVID-19 infection is a comparison of policy changes, such as social distancing, travel restrictions, and mask wearing, across 41 countries. It found introducing a mask-wearing policy had little impact, but mask policies were mostly introduced after social distancing and other measures were already in place."

2020-11-27 04:09:14 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

the way I put it is: outside is better than inside, social distancing is better than a mask ... if you're inside and can't social distance then you better be wearing a mask

2020-11-27 04:16:22 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

now we have a scotus discussion going on ... couldn't we put that in <#771201281024458802> ?

2020-11-27 04:18:30 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

and relevant to the scotus discussion is that fact that the Democrats can only pack the court if they control both houses of Congress and the Presidency in order to change the number ... and if they might very well control both houses if Trump fanatics in GA get their way

2020-11-27 06:14:25 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

If she held that someone with similar legal philosophy to Scalia should replace any and all vacancies on the court that could be a view she could hold with full integrity ... you might not agree but I don't think that is a reason to doubt her integrity

2020-11-27 06:19:03 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

not if she's in the womb, huh?

2020-11-27 06:20:49 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

why wouldn't she advocate that all seats be filled with originalists ... that would be a consist view ... you could disagree with it but it would be consistent

2020-11-27 06:27:13 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I'm not biologically able to have a baby as it were ... but how about this? what if we let the man also have a choice in the matter, say the woman carries the baby to term and the baby is born ... how about we let the man involved then have 9 months to decide if the baby lives or not? we don't do that, we don't even think that way ... why not?

2020-11-27 14:21:59 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

The next innovation in voting needs to be online voting

2020-11-27 14:29:15 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

And that statement would also apply to online banking, paying your taxes online etc. I assume you do none of those.

2020-11-27 14:35:07 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Online voting is insecure because computers can be hacked therefore we must use computers for facial recognition to make our elections secure, huh?

2020-11-27 14:38:31 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Crazy enough so I can vote online

2020-11-27 14:40:16 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

My guess is he doesn't like being censored on Twitter

2020-11-27 14:43:19 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Not my phone. I turned that off.

2020-11-27 14:45:35 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I'm an agreement that this should be looked at. If social media platforms are going to edit content then they should be subject to liability for that content.

2020-11-27 14:46:32 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

The straw that broke the camel's back was that I was getting alerts for stuff that was happening a thousand miles away.

2020-11-27 14:49:28 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

No and there's nothing that requires you to leave that content on. But the big social media platforms claim not to edit content and therefore not be subject to liability for said content. Yet they do seem to edit content now and thus should be held liable.

2020-11-27 14:50:44 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

The whole purpose of an amber alert was to give you immediate notice that something local had happened. Say some kid had just been kidnapped or gone missing in your neighborhood. But when they're sending me alerts for stuff that's happening a thousand miles away that's not helpful.

2020-11-27 14:54:22 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I think I was able to turn that one off also

2020-11-27 15:08:27 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

But freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from liability. That is if you falsely accused someone of something and that ruins a reputation then they have the ability to sue you on a court of law and seek recompense for the damage you've caused them. Social media platforms have always asserted that they are just a platform for free speech and therefore not liable for the content that speech. But when they edit content then an argument goes away.

2020-11-27 15:13:58 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

That was true 30 to 40 years ago but not so much anymore

2020-11-27 15:21:11 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I think the transition goes back further than that. You're only thinking of the last mile as it's called or the connection to the residential units.

2020-11-27 15:39:58 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

That's not a true statement. Fewer people have gotten Covid then normally get the flu but more people have died. Covid-19 is about 10 times more deadly than the flu.

2020-11-27 15:43:25 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

That same CDC estimates that Covid-19 infection fatality rate is at least 10 times as great as the seasonal flu

2020-11-27 15:47:30 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

You can just look at that last number 35,000 deaths versus 250,000 plus deathsand ask yourself when was the last time the flu killed as many people on a per capita basis? The answer is just over a hundred years ago.

2020-11-27 16:04:18 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

I guess this guy is not satisfied that he got a Kraken for his money

2020-11-27 16:09:51 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Not in this century

2020-11-27 16:11:37 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

And banks have the federal government to bail them out

2020-11-27 16:13:37 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

And when the debt is total trash that's when the federal government steps in and says oh you're too big to fail

2020-11-27 16:15:59 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Obviously they cost a lot more than that

2020-11-27 16:16:42 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

The folks to donate to those operations however. There seems to be no shortage of them.

2020-11-27 16:18:06 UTC [RobertGrulerEsq #election2020]  

Nope. GOA

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