Chris N. - CA

Discord ID: 534070493687578644

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Or will she do the response tomorrow?

You can vote for divisive Dems in the primaries. They donโ€™t have closed primaries.

Trump is gonna announce that heโ€™ll be allocating the immigration budget to IE

โ€œWhen IE has an HQ buildingโ€ It would legitimately have to be a secret base, and Iโ€™m alright with that

I remember when I was a pledge

It was like 5 days ago

^ Letโ€™s crowdfund it

IE is the opposite of a normal college frat, and I really love that. You get a sense of fraternity and brotherhood without the degeneracy.

By the way, Iโ€™m running for a prominent position in the student government where Iโ€™ll be in charge of the finances and budget for the largest sub-college on my campus. If I win, Iโ€™m getting rid of all of the funding for multiculturalism and diversity events (10% of the whole sub-collegeโ€™s budget).

CostCo is great for groceries and gas since theyโ€™re both a lot cheaper, and you get everything done in one trip.

If youโ€™re not eating 10 cent ramen off of Alibaba, youโ€™re overspending. Iโ€™m a finance major, so trust me.

Youโ€™ll die at 30 from cardiac arrest due to the large quantities of sodium, but itโ€™s cool

Yes. For a couple weeks since Iโ€™m assuming the horse wouldnโ€™t be able to withstand the ramen-y greatness. And then guess what? Now you donโ€™t have to pay more money to take care of the horse. Boom, Iโ€™m just saving you money all over the place!

Look, if youโ€™re not willing to cash out your 401k for ramen, you just arenโ€™t serious enough about your finances.

This is actual serious advice now. Get driving ASAP since insurance drops massively over time.

Mine is $100 per month, and Iโ€™m 19 with Geico.

But it used to be $150. After about a year of driving, itโ€™s dropped to $100.

Iโ€™ve gotta watch it for my public speaking course

But Iโ€™m sure Iโ€™ll be cringing when he talks about a โ€œhuman wallโ€ instead of a concrete one.

What you admitted to still isnโ€™t as bad as pineapple on pizza

A place in Hell

But...arenโ€™t you a member?

You had to attend a pledge orientation, right?

I remember when Patrick responded to my message on Twitter. *swoon*

Patrick is a L33T gamer, and we all know it

Patrick isnโ€™t for an ethnostate; heโ€™s for a gamerstate, where you have to beat him in a CoD 1v1 to be let in


Itโ€™s like Rust but with dinos and horrific bodily proportions

Iโ€™m 5โ€™7โ€, but Iโ€™m in Cali where thereโ€™s a bunch of Squatemalans, so I donโ€™t feel so short

Get ready for talk of the โ€œhuman wallโ€ and then some random 11-year-old nobody really cares about

Depends on who is covering it on Fox

If itโ€™s Tucker, Iโ€™d say Fox

Your shirt is like California. Itโ€™s minority white. <:sad:366743316475281408>

I wonder if TYT is streaming the SOTU

What if RBG croaks at the SOTU

Nah, Barron needs to join IE

Give him 6 more years

House Democrats will probably do the same thing BLM used to do, which is put all of the white members at the back.

They might even do the same with journalists during press conferences or something

Not like the unibomber, though, right?

That was too much of a revolt against the modern world

Guy was an anarcho-primitivist

In a business law class and being taken through how evil whitey was in the Dredd Scott case and with Plessey v. Ferguson. Can we please get to business law?

MWF are morning

Tuesday is late night

Hated it, too

I hate group projects, too, Sam. Most students are fine with a C. I go for straight As and get so fed up with the slackers I get paired with.

My theatre final last semester had 7 people. Nobody wanted to do anything, so I was the director, producer, and star of a reimagining of a play we studied.

Well, we only studied 4 plays. Each group was assigned one of the plays to reimagine.

Mine said it was unpaid, too. But my coordinator took care of it once I provided ample proof of payment.

I used Zelle through ChaseQuickpay. Did anyone else?

Time for Turning Point to have a turning point of its own

I actually donโ€™t know what the term wignat means. Enlighten me please?

I mean, I do know what they are, but just not what the term itself stands for if that makes sense.

Oh, gotcha

Makes sense

Yeah, thatโ€™s pure, unadulterated autism right there.

Yeah, it looks good for re-election prospects, but Trump did say he wants the most immigrants ever.

That is true, but I just hope Trump gets his second term so he can start going crazy with deportations, ending H-1B visas, and repealing birthright citizenship (all things heโ€™s mentioned before).

Heโ€™s trying to woo them for his re-election campaign, but we all know it wonโ€™t work.

I personally think Trump didnโ€™t get the wall due to some inane attempt to stagger his achievements. If he completed everything at first, it might not be fresh in the minds of people come re-election time.

Hey, I agree thatโ€™s better. But Iโ€™m just trying to posit hypotheses that arenโ€™t as black-pilling.

Just learned about logical fallacies in class. Canโ€™t wait to win all of the arguments on Reddit.

No, Iโ€™m just joking, lol. Iโ€™m just having flashbacks to my time on Reddit and how nobody knew how to properly use them, but just because they could name them and sound smart, thatโ€™s all that mattered in terms of upvotes.

Hoppe mustโ€™ve read a lot of r/Atheism and r/Politics threads

I too would conclude that democracy was a โ€œfailed godโ€

I still believe in democracy personally, but it can be black-pilling that the people most likely to vote are the ones most likely to be affected by governmental actions. And which group is that? Those whose incomes and lifestyles mostly or entirely rely on governmental subsidization.

We have different numbers of chromosome, because two ancient ape chromosomes fused to result in human chromosome 2.

@Bogl - CA There has been diversity throughout the span of life on Earth. 99.9% of all species that have ever existed are extinct. To my knowledge, genomes used to be in single circular forms, but they eventually developed into the multiple linear chromosomes we see today. So technically, chimps got their chromosomes from all the way back to their eukaryotic ancestors.

Also, mutations do occur. Look at eye color, for example. Blue eyes are a mutation.

We can see rapid mutation and natural selection of those mutations due to issues like pollution, but mutations tend to be due to a variety of variables.

There was a period of my life where Red Bull didnโ€™t even cut it. Had to use caffeine pills.

I keep yelling at my dad that I wish he was poor

Jokingly, of course. Iโ€™d never legitimately yell at him. But still, Iโ€™d not have to pay a dime for college

Meanwhile, my Hispanic roommate brags that he gets an extra $2K in government benefits for college each semester, so the way it works out is that heโ€™s getting paid $2K per semester for going to college.

Thatโ€™s after the tuition is already fully paid off

Iโ€™m in Cali

Marriage can be a financial death sentence if itโ€™s only for financial reasons

I know, but he may not be aware of community property laws

Iโ€™d want to be in a stable relationship for a few years before marriage, and by then, Iโ€™ll have my bachelorโ€™s, and Iโ€™ll be off of my parentsโ€™ income anyways

Iโ€™d rather not pop out a kid for gibs

Weโ€™ve all seen where that leads

I feel that Dems will just end the wall project or starve it of funding if he does get it since it wonโ€™t be finished, even if he starts tomorrow.

They might even tear it down

Look, Iโ€™ve seen like 3 Hispanic people wearing MAGA hats. Thatโ€™s enough evidence for me to let the entire third-world in legally!

Has anyone noticed that the Trump side of politics is so desperate to not seem racist that the minute a non-white wears a MAGA hat, they get an army of bootlickers and praise? Itโ€™s like right-wing affirmative action since entire careers are now built over being Le Epic Based Black (i.e. Candace Owens).

And all of these โ€œbased blacksโ€ talk about whatโ€™s best for the black community and how Dems have hurt them or Republicans have helped them. Yet if you talk about whatโ€™s best for the white community, youโ€™re immediately alienated, even from the MAGA side of things.

I watched Gavin pretty frequently. What happened? Iโ€™ve heard about the lawsuit.

Jared Taylor has a great video on that topic, Alex.

So Iโ€™m in a fast food place right now, and a black guy looked at the menu where it said โ€œ10 pc chicken nuggetsโ€ and genuinely asked what else was in them if theyโ€™re only 10% chicken. Iโ€™m dying inside because itโ€™s obviously a dumb question based on a dumb misunderstanding, but Iโ€™m now also wondering what percent of them is actually chicken based off of their price.

He simultaneously asked the most idiotic and most intelligent question one could ask in a fast food place imaginable.

Iโ€™m only here for the cheap soft drinks. I donโ€™t eat the food thankfully.

California has high taxes on packs of soda, so donโ€™t even @ me. I needed some caffeine this morning.

Thatโ€™d be a very intelligent question 2000 years ago, though

Yeah, but it could lead to some interesting scientific thinking on the topic tbh. I mean, at one point, Newton had to ask about the mechanics behind why apples fall.

Can fast food philosophy please be a thing now?

Yeah, but asking about the mechanics behind that would be interesting at least. I doubt that guy was asking about the actual mechanics of it, though.

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