Discord ID: 209049930776576000
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Anyone willing to help a twitter noob?๐ค
just noticed my mistake; left clicked my name, lookin for the option
well, looks like a chance to invent a new word
the your girl pegging a dude thing
it's clearly gayzone
he gets pegged, you get pucked
your girl is just a weirdo and you should get rid of her, anyway
so no need to define that, I'd say
ever noticed how "cuck" is basically just a beheaded "cock"?
Fallout Engine is basically open source, by this point
Bethesda wanted modders to have a good time and helped out. Didn't hurt, since it was single-player only
that's a whole other story when you add multiplayer to that, later
unless they get that sorted out, I would stay away from it
the ususal FOSS business model of selling support doesn't really apply with games, yeah
sure; I mean heck, even a patreon with proper updates on the progress could do the trick
but I guess we'll have to wait for StarCitizen to finish, first xD
code, actually, never really was the problem of FOSS games
indeed. I wouldn't wanna miss it, myself. Everytime a tool misses something, I can just add it
how about using a straw to fuck you? does that average out somewhere?
Shit's going down in Germany.
Check out #Magnitz on Twitter! AfD (German right-wing party) politician got attacked by supposedly Antifa. Got his head split open.
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