MCM ๐Ÿ’ฏ

Discord ID: 244183025741463552

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2018-12-09 01:22:32 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

2018-12-09 01:24:09 UTC [Subverse #bot-commands]  


Hello. I guess seeing the moderation system of this server, I shouldve joined a lot earlier. But I joined because I'm scared about the Queen's decision today ๐Ÿ˜ฐ

i dont wanna sit here panicking without people to talk to basically

nothing yet

yeah, today, monday

ah ok. sorry for confusion

well, tradition dictates she will sign the bill that makes no deal brexit illegal.

thats just what I read. that the monarch never goes against the parliament AND the lords.

I've watched all of Sargon's vids about brexit in the last week or so because it is kind of an emergency right now, but nothing in them quells my fears


i can only befriend commies for some reason. I dont set out to do that.


okay, not the Bababooey that I know ๐Ÿ˜…

What are the chances that we both know Bababooeys that are both communists

I'm an American-style conservative, living in the UK so yknow... I'll never be politically happy here ^^

more like Trump

I guess

me neither but his "promises" are what I agree with

theres an entire country filled to the brim with asian people who want to move to Japan


how? better dating sites?

~~Same with Brexit~~


guns are my big thing

its why i hate living here

I get the argument against guns in the UK though. I live in the lower class so I see the kind of absolute scumbags who wouldnt hesitate to shoot/stab people

but I still wish I had a gun

lots of robberies in my area

create the democratic system?

woman here: I agree

thats a lot of people

hello, people


is a good day for depression drinking

hope y'all are having a great day

why what


i usually drink on the weekends but i have no friends so its not like it matters

isnt it Tuesday?

i dont understand you


what is happening

im too autistic for this

because today i bought alcohol

i got paid today


yesterday i had no money

i wasnt expecting to get quizzed lmao

I'm not a 20 questions

is this channel hell?

you've been here many times and you left many times?

why not just stay?



lots of arguments?

this server is sooooooooooo weird

i am autistic

fine, the waiting room is soooooooooo weird

I'm fine here until whenever

what is hoplite

i dont get historic mumbo jumbo

I'm dating a historian, but i dont know anything myself

i see

and archon are... important youtubers?

okay that makes sense thanks

this man does not represent my views.

<:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586> < what does it do?

maybe some people wont get that joke haha



hey bababooey, i heard about you in the purgatory room lmao

I wondered if there was a general chat in this server, but i realized this is it

I'm disabled. I work hard at playing video games and passively getting gubbermin moneys.

yeah i identify as qualifying for government benefits lol

no one likes being on benefits. I hope.

I just @'d myself lol

vee fanclub

cant stand him enough to watch a vid that long

i did that like 10 mins ago...

its hard to ping


I'm into happy vanilla wholesome fun

Wamen respecters of the world unite

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