
Discord ID: 277857911231741952

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2018-01-04 00:07:39 UTC [/leftypol/ International #german]  

Ist das denn hier jetzt ein Kommunistenserver oder was ist das hier?


Why the fuck is there a problem with saying Nigger on Sargons Server?

Only Racists care when someone says Nigger

north or south korea?

Dressing up as a fox is degenerate and anti human

But on the other hand it may be the sole purpose of Humanity to be the predecessor of a new organic life form

we are just the creators of something way greater than any human could every achieve

like Planet of the Apes but with Furries

and better

i didnt talked to you

talk to my hand โœ‹

English people dont have the right to complain about other guys not speaking their language right

its not the fault of the non native english speakers that english is the world language

My friend, Spencer, is first off, funny. He can be really calm, but at the same time, he can get the whole crowd laughing. The jokes he tells fillโ€™s everyoneโ€™s souls with joy. Spencer is also extremely kind. He will step out of the way to give you something even if he wants it. Itโ€™s just the type of person he is. His generosity is shown in many situations. One day, he gave me his pencil because I didnโ€™t have one, and he had to use a worse pencil he found in his backpack. His kindness makes me wonder how much better the world would be if we were all that kind. Spencer also is extremely careful. He makes sure he is always organized, or leaves behind only cleanliness instead of a mess, like everyone else. He will make sure everyone is left with a smile and not a frown. In total, Spencer is the best friend anyone could have, and I and a select few are only lucky enough to have him as one. His radiant warmth around him will always cheer anyone up, and he will always be my friend.

which spencer are we talking about

the one from iCarly?


to be fair

i like Richard Spencer

He doesnt

okay i dont necesseraly know what he says exactly

but i know he wants a white ethnostate

And i dont think a white ethnostate is something bad and i think it is something you could advocate for

i personally wouldnt deport east asians back

Why do i need to marry a white woman before i can say i want a state full of whites who all have many children to ensure the existence of the white race

I can say i want my race to continue existing without having to marry first


so im not allowed to say i want my race to continue existing because im not married yet

makes sense yes

Who would dare to express an opinion if they arent married

could we please make voting only for married people

with at least 10 kids

I dont care which race your wife has

Why should i

well in fact i do care

which race has your wife?

cmon you cant say your a race mixer and then dont say which race your mixing with

Can we guess?

i think he is from Iceland

So polish maybe

or Thai

is it Thai?

So nepal?

are you brit or icelandic?

Brit ok

scotland forever type or Unionist?

i hope nepalis dont live in the stone age anymore

you sure shes nepali or african?

but i mean you are to blame for having another race as wife

if youre interested in a long term relationship with kids and all with another race then you are to blame

but i still dont quite get whats so bad about a white ethnostate

But bruh you said shes Nepali

so why does it matter shes born in China?

it doesnt

whats wrong about a white ethnostate?


okay and again

how does it matter that your wife is born in hong kong


why does that matter

We talked about Race Mixing

how has this anything to do with that

Her dad defending hong kong doesnt make her white

but as far as im going im fine with race mxing

i mean i surely wont prohibit marrying a non white person

Because i talked about race mixing


very reasonable


isnt he?

i mean if i take someone as wife im to blame

its my decision

you take those quotes completely outta context and ignore what i was saying

yes it was a stupid decision

you surely arent allowed in my ethnostate

but again are you a scotland forever type of scot or a unionist? @Broo TulsiGang 2024 ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ

do i have less rights with this rank or is it just the spamming?

Pro Independence or not



a bad scot

A bad bad scot

very bad

truly sad

i personally dont think the English deserve independence


one good thing the English as nation ever did?

could we be darker blue

i want darker blue for my rank


could we change patreon blue with this light blue?

Okay but now back to serious business

Im not the peak of edginess

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