Secret Squirrel

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its how the game is played under the rules

its messed up that people use tax loopholes to avoid taxes and become billionaires by not paying taxes. Bezos does it. Trump does it, but thats ok

but they can get at the corporations. and then if he is just using the corp's stuff, what does he have then?

the issue isnt that its illegal, bc its not. It's that he promotes an image to the people thats disingenuous

he doesnt seem to have the means to pay his debts, yet he parades himself as having fuck you money

and he gets into office ridin in on how ppl like him are able to cheat and then does nothing about it for 4 years

but muh socialism

too bad he cant seem to drain that swamp

and so the cycle continues

could happen at any time V.

bc its in the distant future until its in the past

the beard helped

I dont want to trade PR for it though

thats dumb lol land is land

yea that would be nice

but theyll never give it up

yea it would be worth a fuckton more in 20 years

Denmark is stupid

it was seen as crazy bc theres no way it would have happend

its not great style. its very bad for his election

poor ppl dont like rich guys exploiting the system to fuck them over

hopefully not much

the tax money has to come from somewhere Temp

it would be easier if the system you outlined above was implemented

I like how this channel went from: "Its fake news" to "its actually good this happened" in like 3 hours

@T E M P L O I T E R its not about trump in particular, he's just a foil that ppl get mad at

its the aggregate

@SYLE they said there were more articles coming and this was just the overview. youre right though

4 years? how about since the printing press was invented

would be much more apt


fucking retarded idea

@Mephed but we knew they were commies

what a pussy greedy strategy

Academics cant be allowed to actually run policy. just churn out new theories and let actual doers run it. Academics dont understand reality

I wasnt arguing

I was just pontificating

just nuke denmark and take greenland

access to arctic

like the only things any country ever wants lol

we can just automate it but yes

he cant bc its not for sale

there wasnt another country there already

didnt we try that already

source it from the mexican treasury and hed keep his promise

not even close

those tend to do the job

they shouldnt have to all take it at once, nor the first iteration

Idk a single person who has contracted covid personally

a couple by 2nd and 3rd degree. Its not that hard to avoid it anymore. Just dont be retarded and eventually the immunity + better 2nd or 3rd iteration vaccines will fill the gap.

most of the shit covid destroyed was bullshit anyway

Megachurch channel when

finally we agree on something lol

yea take your vitamins, dont smoke a lot, and go outside.

its like the earth was telling us not be such sedentary shit heads anymore or else

holy shit thats retarded.

oh its ccp propaganda nevermind.

I can hear that gif

Delete Furry

DOJ needs to get its act together. probably still reeling from all those resignations. Might not be enough seasoned mid level mgmt

They scared of how tough Trump has been and hope Biden will be nicer to them,

It's telling. They are scared they will destabilize and collapse if this pressure is maintained. Even though Trump has looked the other way on the CCP's crimes against humanity they still dont want him.

whos fapping in the background of that video?

yea I can understand the reason to keep an eye

the gaslighty way CCP drones say anything enrages me every time

So im guessing you think that Bolton was full of shit too?

and Trump not making a point to call CCP out for genocide every chance he gets doesnt rise to the threshhold of "looking the other way."

bc it seems to me he only cares about economics

it was for “his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples” according to The Nobel Prize Committee. He was also commended for his vision to “work for a world without nuclear weapons.”

lol you dont have freedoms. Nothing for govt to take

@T E M P L O I T E R that was a copy paste from the top link in my search. I wasnt saying he deserved it or anything.

He even got woken up by his kids and he was like wtf are you talking about that makes no sense

@Apocrypha Everything Trump and friends do thats bad is fake news. Until someone spins it into a good thing or a no burger. At which point it doesnt matter. Rinse. Repeat.

wait why are we talking about cloud outages in <#758768007353860131> ?

money turtle

oh jeez I read that as no 9/11

Close no riots arent the goal, its max riots. Anarchy level riots. ou heard them say they want to burn it all and start fresh

I dont actually have a reason to know your opinion but it was something he said in his book.

Eagles will be division leaders bc of that tie. no playoff wins

streaming what

@SYLE THat first vid looks fake as shit but Im not ready to discount it. Paying individuals to do voter fraud is a retarded and inefficient means of going about it. But fuck Omar anyway.

That body cam footage obviously doesnt show the whole incident, only after the cops showed up. Also what goal is served by having him arrested? most ppl dont even know him.

ah. no you misunderstood me @T E M P L O I T E R . Im not saying its unique or wrong to see America, or running it, as primarily economic. That would be pretty absurd. My comment was referring to an exchange between Xi Jinping and DT that Bolton referred to in his book. It was not about economics. It was about CCP atrocities in Xinjiang. You seem to not be familiar. That's fine. My point is that the public is pretty aware DT has been looking the other way on this topic, if only bc he doesnt mention it when he has ample opportunity, and choses to atk ccp on other topics publicly. Bolton's revelations cast doubt that he does so privately as well.

Even on HK he seemed to act only begrudgingly.

College degrees dont mean shit period

unless its in engineering.

Im saying the two can coexist. One can attempt to seem calm and defuse a cop involved situation once one becomes aware the fuzz is inbound. They obviously had reason to believe he was a danger. Multiple officers, body cam on, takedown methods engaged. People tend to get calmer when you pull a figurative or literal gun on them.

im just not seeing why this would happen if something didnt go down. Who has such a boner for brad that they got some cops to tackle him for doing absolutely nothing but sitting in his house? Do you really believe nothing happend?

thats definitely possible.

makes you wonder why she would do that though

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