
Discord ID: 233298719150309386

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2017-04-20 11:32:59 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  

Say Joy Lane

2017-04-20 11:33:13 UTC [MrRepzion ๐Ÿ #chat]  


2018-06-30 02:51:20 UTC [Nick Fuentes Server #general]  

@Broseph East Orthodox do appreciate Oriental Orthodox

Pagans: >Ooga Booga Christians are cucked modernists >Ooga Booga we worship by buying movie tickets

@Joe the boomer The VC is the same audio as the show right

What happened to the Pagan Nature worship.

Now buying a hollywood movie is sufficient

The Virgin "I'm going to rush to the restroom" vs The Chad "finna take a shit brb"

I see you reacted <:thistbh:402370857462267905>

ICE looks pretty awesome

I was born into an extremely liberal family. Let me tell you. Libs really are that autistic and do seriously fall for it, I know this because I was one of them

@Nicholas Istvรกn The actual parenting of my parents isn't that bad but their political views

But my Uncle and Aunt-in law have awful parenting

I don't know about pro-porn

Ive never really thought about it

But i havent been raised to be spoilt or rude unlike my cousins

I mean the parenting of my cousins is absolutely awful

Imagine two little children who literally come first in all descsions. Meetings are postponed because the kids want the parents to play with them

I mean my parents have been split since I was 5 so i wasn't raised in a very structured household but ive come out sane and sociable

They literally have no friends

theyre very anti-social

Also the parents are extremely un self-aware

They blame it on the other kids in the class but it's really the childs overly spoilt anti-social personality

they were thinking of not sending theyre youngest child to school because the kid wouldve learnt everything before he started (kindergarten). But come around for him to start and he doesn't know shit. and the parents confessed their worries to the school about their child knowing everything so its gonna be really embarassing when he starts going to school

@Joe the boomer are you playing as the based Ottomo?

2018-07-22 05:03:35 UTC [Nick Fuentes Server #general]  

I see

2018-07-22 05:03:53 UTC [Nick Fuentes Server #general]  

yeah i see

A lot of Gen Zs are retarted - Gen Z

Theyre all the same person

Dave Sherrat used to be spinosaurasskin then he became alt facts

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