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Sorry busy paying insurance to Israel

not just transsexuals, but crossdressers too

yo anybody got cosmiccraft link?

it doesn't say that about women in deuteronomy, but it does condemn female to female relations in romans

speaking of deuteronomy, are you guys being good christians?


actually i don't think deuteronomy talks about homosex at all lol

Snicholas J. Fuentes

stop playing roblox

they experience dysphoria, whatever you believe the cause of it it's a pretty nasty mental illness, and are usually "comorbid" with other mental illnesses but basically yes they in general are pretty mentally ill for multiple reasons and not just because of the idea of society accepting them or not

who would've guessed that some pseudo internet celebrity was a whore

it doesn't matter who they support

all whores

@Ascend why are u arguing with a 12 year old? Are you retarded?

it's the day the slaves were emancipated apparently

das rite the crackas was the real jews all along...

nice pfp

what gas chambers?

and the number 6 million has been used for a long time in the jews' history, it's the required number of sacrifices for them to be let back into jerusalem

how did they dispose of the bodies?

if 6 million really died

regardless of the method

not trying to flame btw, i'm genuinely curious what the response would be to the typical holohoax theory arguments would be.

if you are read about the subject

they burned bodies for disease

because that's how a lot of them died

and they didn't want it to spread

but i also want to distinguish the difference between "burn" and "cremate"

because they are two different things

maybe you have found urself in the wrong server

either that, or u don't realize nick's power level

he wasn't murdered

city's report says he died of a heart attack

not strangulation or asphyxiation

yes he's trolling u noob

this isn't an uncommon thing either, it's called "excited delirium"

due to resisting police and being on drugs your heart can get overworked and have a heart attack

Floyd couldn't breathe because he was on fentanyl

The restraint was necessary because people experiencing excited delirium can't be controlled through ordinary means like batons, joint locks, or pepperspray. They are immune to pain. And if they get loose, they can cause chaos, death, and injury for other people. What if Floyd started running into the street and headfirst into a car?

The police would be sued for negligence

That's not even something to argue ๐Ÿ˜‚ the city's report said that police restraint played a role in his death, but I don't believe it's the police's fault

When you have a 6'6 200 lb man in fentanyl resisting arrest you have to do what's necessary until the ambulance arrives

His death was ruled as a homicide as well because drug deaths are counted as homicide.

The perpetrator being the drug dealer

He had heart disease before that and had been abusing meth and cocaine in the past

Idk why you are saying that, I already said that police restraint probably contributed to his death

But it isn't the police's fault

Btw, Floyd had enough room to move his neck and head, so Chauvin obviously wasn't using enough force to actually asphyxiate him

The knee hold is safe depending on the amount of force used

And where the force is used

To the back or side-back of the neck it's unlikely to cause strangulation. The pressure would have to go through his spine and push into his larynx for it to cut off air flow

I don't think he died of an overdose, but fentanyl and heart disease were the main contributors to his death

yes he did

u fucking goober

it's in the city report

yes, there's the city's report and an "independent autopsy" conducted by Floyd's family

>cause of death: homicide.

drug deaths are homicides

fr fr??!?!

yea i'm watchin rn

he distinguishes in the video that they aren't the same thing though

if i heard correctly

i'll go back and watch that part again when i'm done watching lol

probably around 2 or 3 minutes

if not a little further

Ok so the one critique I have about this video is that he doesn't acknowledge that Floyd mentioned he couldn't breathe *before* he was put on the ground

Otherwise I'm not a medical professional so there's nothing else I can comment on, but what he's saying is intuitive and makes sense

it's at 2:20

floyd was talking about not being able to breathe before he was put on the ground

that's another thing that i'm unsure about with the video, the way he talks about it he makes it seem as though breathing issues caused by fentanyl, once they activate, are deadly. for you to be at the point that it causes breathing issues, you'd have to be at a pretty high dosage

according to the video, it's a black and white issue. either he was at the dose to have breathing issues, or he wasn't

and if he was, it would've happened immediately after taking fentanyl

and it would've been deadly

*according to him

he said at the end of the video that that was not the cause of his death and even though the goofball combination elevated the toxicity in his blood it wasn't enough to give him wooden chest syndrome or any other type of issue

here's a source for the quote about floyd's breathing before he was put on the ground btw https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/george-floyd-told-police-he-was-struggling-breathe-officer-put-n1218556

yes stupid goy

trust whatever u hear

no pfp..

please put pic of pepsi please :\

thank you

It's a melting pot for Europeans

Not anyone else

Why should it

It was colonized by whites

So it's a white country

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