Alex the er... owl guy.

Discord ID: 286465608877342721

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Why wouldn't the evidence be indicative of the theory?

Whats DDs argument?

Wouldn't it be a further assumption to say it changes in location?

He wants you to concede uniformity

As an assumption

Do it

and ask him the issue

So what?

So what?

@Queef Madagascar he wants you to concede assuming uniformity to make predictions, just say you do and ask him what the problem is

can i be heard?

Can i be heard?

is that a problem?

Why is that a problem?

why can't you believe in causality without believing in god?

That makes no sense

Pressupose causality

what's the issue?

Why is this an issue?

one does not

lol its abstract because it's not in the christian worldview

What's his argument


Predictive models are where its at

I have to go

If all verification means, is testing, then testing is part of scientific methodogy

i don't see the issue

what's the difference between "absolute" verfication

it's just saying "special" verfication

What is that?

What is DDs special verification?

i'll try to get back shortly

@WingALingDragon can you explain what you mean by "faith" just your idea of it, because i probably agree?

Can't get on mic, switched to phone

Because I would say that I have faith in the sense that I have some beliefs that i can't give justification for

But so what?

What's Darwins argument

Why is this different

how is it different?

"my beliefs avoid these problems because they're my beliefs"

And if we say that we don't know?

How does that lead to god?

So what

How does it follow that it's therefore GOD

Even if we can't answer these questions

This is an argument from ignorance

You don't know how, therefore god


"You can't explain how, therefore god" is textbook argument from ignorance

even if it were god, it wouldn't follow from the ignorance of the interlocketer

What's EFs arguement that it is god?

That's what needs to be asked

Nice one guy talking

i am here

can't get on mic

@WingALingDragon i can't get get on mic, but i can hear you

I take similar beliefs in terms of some things, like in this sense, I have fait that my experiences can be trusted @WingALingDragon

@chochmah๐Ÿ’ your accent is awesome, where are you from?

There's plenty of evidence on the Youtube channel Darwins Greatest Hits

Common Darwins question

"Who's your ULTIMATE authority?"

can you not swear in here?

hmm dont know why my last comment was deleted

But that's a loaded question of Darwins

"How do you have rationality in a chance universe?"

Thats a loaded question

I can keep going

"Without the christian worldview how can you do... blah blah blah?" That is a loaded question every time

This is easy


Whaaaaaaaaat's the difference?


This is loaded

This is hilarious

@J e s p e r ask Darwins what the difference is

If he says "one is your ultimate and one is not"

Then its a difference with no substance

And he hasn't given you a distinction

Only in snippets

what am generalising?


This is what I said as opposed to it being random

I already have DD as my ringtone

My connection is on the fritz

i need to refresh

Who is Zephial?

He messaged me being a little bitch

So now I'm curious

Induction begs the question hahahah

He's still going

hahah i can't believe you posted it

Thanks saves me doing it

nigger XD


Guys read the transcript

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